Discrimination and Equal Opportunities Essay

Submitted By AllieWalker
Words: 853
Pages: 4

Alison Walker
First Guided Learning Work
Briefly describe what Employment rights and responsibilities are:-
· Employment rights are your rights provided by LAW, and the National Standard of Code of Practice.
· Responsibilities are the other side to the coin, and are about improving, protecting and NOT infringing the rights of others.
List your rights and responsibilities as an employee:-
As an employee, the responsibilities are
· to protect the rights and promote the interests of residents and fellow workers.
· to allow individuality and respect equal opportunities and diversity.
· to establish and then maintain trust and confidence of residents, using good communication and honouring commitments.
· to declare any conflicts of interest, such as accepting gifts.
· to not abuse, exploit or neglect any resident or colleague.
· to not discriminate or accept discrimination.
· Must not put others or themselves at unnecessary risk, yet thoroughly understanding and respect the policies on confidentiality.
· to promote and maintain independence of the resident within a safe environment.
· adhering to safe practice and following the correct complaints procedures for any unsafe practise.
· following ALL health and safety procedures.
· to respect the rights of clients, recognizing the right to take risks yet adhering to risk assessments policies and being aware of any new risks to be assessed.
· to be accountable for the standard of your own work and maintaining and improving your knowledge and skills.
· must meet set standards, keep acceptable records, seek assistance when needed and cooperating with colleagues and respecting the roles of others.
The employers rights and responsibilities are:-
· to provide good systems of management and supervision, allowing support for workers to meet the Code of Practice, which should be readily available and include written policies such as Confidentiality Risk Assessment Equal Opportunities Record Keeping and others
· Employers must provide training opportunities for staff to strengthen and develop their skills and knowledge including Induction Work Assessment and practical learning
· Employers must have policies on how to deal with unacceptable behavior such as bullying and harassment, reporting dangerous, abusive and exploitive behavior, to minimize risk of violence and manage any violent incidents. They must also provide support for any worker who experiences trauma or violence.
Diversity is respecting each person's right to be DIFFERENT. Understanding an individual's right to express his or her own identity, culture, lifestyle and interpretation of life and their values.
Equality is promoting equal opportunities to all, free from any discrimination on the basis of race, sex, ability sexuality or religion. Allowing them the freedom to choose without judgment.

The Equality Bill, became the Equality Act 2010 when it received Royal Assent on 8 April 2010. All major provisions within the Bill have remained intact and the amendments tabled in the House of Lords were incorporated into the final version of the Bill.
The provisions will come into force at different times to allow time for people and organisations that are affected by the new laws to carefully prepare for them. It is expected that the Act will come into force as follows:
1st October 2010: Main provisions.
April 2011: The integrated public sector Equality Duty, the Socio-economic Duty and dual discrimination protection.
2012: The ban on age discrimination in provision of goods, facilities, services and public functions.
2013: Private and voluntary sector gender pay transparency regulations (if required) and political parties publishing diversity data
The protected characteristics (and related terms) are: · age · disability · ethnicity (race, nationality) · gender (sex)