I am doing the Choose My Plate diet analysis to get a better understanding of what I am really eating and what it does for my body. While doing this diet analysis it really opened my eyes to my eating habits, what I eat too much of and what I don’t eat enough of. Overall, I feel like I have a pretty healthy diet and lifestyle, however, when I saw the final report, I was surprised to see that I was lacking important nutrients like calcium, vitamin D, and potassium. I was also very surprised to see the amount of fat and carbs I was eating versus my protein intake. The value of this project, I feel, is to be able to see what areas of your diet still need work and to see what areas of your diet are good. I think most people believe that because they eat fruits and vegetables that they are healthy. This diet analysis proves that being healthy is much more than eating a few serving a fruits and veggies.
mluck's Nutrients Report 10/26/13 - 11/01/13
Your plan is based on a 2000 Calorie allowance.
Average Eaten
Total Calories
2000 Calories
1215 Calories
Protein (g)***
46 g
48 g
Protein (% Calories)***
10 - 30% Calories
16% Calories
Carbohydrate (g)***
130 g
172 g
Carbohydrate (% Calories)***
45 - 65% Calories
57% Calories
Dietary Fiber
26 g
32 g
Total Fat
25 - 35% Calories
34% Calories
Saturated Fat
< 10% Calories
7% Calories
Monounsaturated Fat
No Daily Target or Limit
15% Calories
No Daily Target or Limit
Polyunsaturated Fat
No Daily Target or Limit
8% Calories
No Daily Target or Limit
Omega 3 - EPA
No Daily Target or Limit
7 mg
No Daily Target or Limit
Omega 3 - DHA
No Daily Target or Limit
23 mg
No Daily Target or Limit
< 300 mg
182 mg
Average Eaten
1300 mg
684 mg
4700 mg
2646 mg
< 2300 mg
1987 mg
890 µg
1461 µg
15 mg
18 mg
360 mg
331 mg
1250 mg
898 mg
55 µg
81 µg
9 mg
13 mg
Average Eaten
Vitamin A
700 µg RAE
1414 µg RAE
Vitamin B6
1.2 mg
2.3 mg
Vitamin B12
2.4 µg
3.6 µg
Vitamin C
65 mg
142 mg
Vitamin D
15 µg
2 µg
Vitamin E
15 mg AT
21 mg AT
Vitamin K
75 µg
165 µg
400 µg DFE
684 µg DFE
1.0 mg
1.9 mg
1.0 mg
2.2 mg
14 mg
22 mg
400 mg
251 mg
Information about dietary supplements.
** If you are African American, hypertensive, diabetic, or have chronic kidney disease, reduce your sodium to 1500 mg a day. In addition, people who are age 51 and older need to reduce sodium to 1500 mg a day. All others need to reduce sodium to less than 2300 mg a day.
*** Nutrients that appear twice (protein, carbohydrate, linoleic acid, and α-linolenic acid) have two separate recommendations:
1) Amount eaten (in grams) compared to your minimum recommended intake. 2) Percent of Calories eaten from that nutrient compared to the recommended range.
You may see different messages in the status column for these 2 different recommendations.
Total Calories
1. What was your average caloric intake for the 7 days?
My average caloric intake for the week was 1,215 calories a day.
The three-day diet analysis was interesting. There were many positive attributes to it and definitely negative ones. Over the course of the three days, which were Friday, Saturday and Sunday: and figured this would give a good depiction of what I was consuming on a regular basis. In some places I was consuming more than I should be and in some I was consuming less than I should be. There were also those places were I was getting just the right amount. It is so interesting to me to be able to find…
Creftz Lecture Instructor: Karon Felter November 5, 2012 November 5, 2012 Summary Title: The following report describes very specifically the different types of fats and the properties of each of them, also gives the reader an excellent analysis about the risk of excess consumption of fats in fast foods. Introduction: The excessive consume of fats or lipids are always related to obesity or over weight, because majority of the communities does not know the proprieties and the role…
John Monaghan 11/9/2009 Nutrition Diet Analysis In life, many people participate in various daily events and activities that help them enjoy being who they are. People may enjoy getting together with friends, going to the mall, going to an amusement park or simply finding relaxation in nature. However, a big part of everyone’s life is of course eating and many people find pleasure in doing so. Eating is a very enjoyable and delectable must for everyone but should be done so, like everything…
DIET ANALYSIS PROJECT 1. A) For Grains the target was 7 ounces and the average eaten amount was 5 ounces. For Vegetables the target was 3 cups and the average eaten amount was 3 cups. For Fruits the target was 2 cups and the average eaten amount was 2 cups. For Dairy the target was 3 cups and the average eaten amount was 1¾ cups. For Protein Foods the target was 6 ounces and the average eaten was 6½ ounces. For Oils the target was 6 teaspoon and the average eaten was 4 teaspoons. B) In the…
The HCG diet plan menu entails having discipline when it comes to food intake, as it is going to be limited. There are corresponding types of foods to be eaten for every phase of the diet plan. This article will discuss the diet plan menu suitable for the HCG weight loss program. Fresh, organic, and self-cooked food is the best choice. Stay away from processed foods with a lot of preservatives and artificial flavorings. There is a list of approved foods for this diet. This list will serve as a guide…
Summer 2015 Assignment 3: Diet Analysis Evaluating Food and Nutrient Intake Record your diet for 3 days. If you would like, there are “Diet Record” forms available on D2L. Record two consecutive weekdays (example: Tuesday and Wednesday) and 1 weekend day. Start keeping track when you wake up and continue until you go to sleep. Record all food and beverages; including water. Separate your supplements and alcohol intake for each day and write them in the provided space. Any protein powder drinks…
Three-Day Activity Analysis Kasey Craycraft 1/13/13 For this three day diet analysis project I wanted to eat as I normally would and be honest about all that I ate, to analyze not only what and how much I was eating, but also to see how healthy my diet really is. By doing so I can see if any of my diet choices are putting me at risk for certain health diseases, and what changes can be made to make my diet healthier. After analyzing my diet, I would say my diet is horrible considering what I…
our country. Obesity is a medical disorder in which body fat has gathered to such an extent that it may have a negative effect on the overall health condition of a person. There are a great number of causes for obesity, but unbalanced and unhealthy diet is the major cause of obesity. What really is Obesity? Being obese means having so much body fat that your health is in danger. Having too much body fat can lead to type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, arthritis, sleep apnea, and stroke…
Diet and Exercise Analysis Dayna Compton SCI/241 June 19, 2014 Timothy Baghurst Diet and Exercise Analysis After tracking my eating habits this week, I can say that not too much has changed since week two. Although I am more self-conscious and I know what I should be eating, I have not fully made a change in my diet to eat a balanced meal, every meal. I am somewhat of a picky eater so it is hard for me to generate ideas of what I could eat in place of something else. I also only eat when I feel…
Please answer every question. Do not leave any form field blank. If the Guideline is not applicable, please type ‘Not applicable.’ Most questions will require you to use information from your Foodlist (Assignment 1), MyPyramid (Assignment 2) and Diet Analysis +9 (assignment 3) results. Please cite in the question if your information for answering the Guideline comes from Assignment 1, 2, or 3. ADEQUATE NUTRIENTS WITHIN CALORIE NEEDS Key Recommendations Consume a variety of nutrient-dense foods…