Diaz Response Paper

Submitted By Rhintze
Words: 460
Pages: 2

Robert Hintze
Professor Sticklor
History 126
I have never heard someone speak so highly of someone they intend on conquering, the way Diaz spoke about the Aztec cities he seemed so infatuated. While looking at the Aztec cities Diaz, tells us how truly incredible the Aztec cities look. While Diaz doesn’t admit that the Aztec cities are better then the European cities it seems that he thinks that based on the way he speaks about the Aztec cities. Diaz seems to recognize the respect that Cortez and Montezuma have for each other, based on the way that they put their egos aside, talking respectively. Diaz tells us that the Spanish soldiers were very skeptical of the Aztecs because they were told as soon as they were in the city “they would kill them”. The Spanish have never met the Aztecs before, the Aztecs were also being so welcoming and respectful that it became alarming. Both the Aztecs and The Conquistadors should have been impressed with each other. The Aztecs were impressed because the Spanish had horses, guns, and metal armor the likes of which they had never seen. The Spanish were impressed with the Aztecs ability to build a incredible well functioning civilization, with cities that were more incredible then the ones they had back in Europe. Montezuma from the moment that he met Cortez and his soldiers he was extremely honorable, showing him the utmost respect. When Cortez and Montezuma speak together they seem to have a strong mutual respect and admiration on both sides. They both seem very open minded with each other, Cortez had to get his agenda that he sailed thousands of miles to accomplish, accomplished. So Cortez begins to speak to Montezuma about Christianity very vibrantly and passionately. While it didn’t appear Cortez intend this way, it sounded extremely