Anxiety disorder is a type of psychological disorder. It is said that anxiety disorders are one of the more common types of psychological disorders. As defined in our textbook “Anxiety disorders can be subdivided into several diagnostic categories, including specific phobias, panic disorder, and other anxiety disorders, such as generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive–compulsive disorder, and disorders caused by specific traumatic events” (Morris & Maisto 2010).
Phobias are one type of anxiety disorders. Phobias are placed into three categories. The first being a specific phobia which is a type of anxiety disorder described as extreme, paralyzing fear of something common. Common specific phobias may include needles, confined spaces, spiders, snakes, and heights. Almost 10% of Americans suffer from at least one specific phobia, (Morris & Maisto 2010). The second type of phobia is social phobia. It is not uncommon for people to experience some minor fear or feel uncomfortable in many social situations; however when these fears begin to restrict their ability to function in their day to day living environment, social phobia disorder may be diagnosed. One examples of social phobia is the fear of public speaking. The last type of phobia is agoraphobia. As defined in our textbook, “Agoraphobia is an anxiety disorder that involves multiple, intense fears of crowds, public places, and other situations that require separation from a source of security such as the home (Morris & Maisto 2010). Those who suffer from agoraphobia may have the fear of being alone, and may never leave their homes.
Treatment options for those diagnosed with phobia disorders would best respond with classical conditioning. One type of classical conditioning is systematic desensitization, a method for gradually reducing fear and anxiety, is one of the oldest behavior therapy techniques (Wolpe, 1990). Systematic desensitization works by slowly introducing a new response, such as relaxation with the anxiety- causing stimuli. Numerous studies show that systematic desensitization helps many people overcome their fears and phobias (Hazel, 2005; D. W. McNeil & Zvolensky,
Diagnosis and Treatment Bipolar disorder is defined as a person who has times in their life of depression, as well as times of being extremely happy. Individuals with bipolar disorder will have extreme times of cross as well as times of being irritable. Although they do not know an exact cause at this time for bipolar disorders, they believe that it starts between the ages of 15 and 25. They believe that some of the triggers that cause these periods are childbirth, certain medicines, the inability…
Checkpoint: Diagnosis and Treatment Juakita Haddock HCA/240 April 16, 2011 Chronic Atrophic Gastritis is the cancer is a bacteria that lives in the mucous lining of the stomach. This disorder is required to have vitamin B12 and the digestion of proteins. If you have this disorder you should stay away from irritants including alcohol, aspirin, and certain foods that irritate the stomach. (Human Diseases Chapter10: A Systemic Approach). Gastritis means the inflammation and irritation of…
Diagnosis and Treatment xxxxxxxx xxxxx November 10, 2012 xxxxxxx Diagnosis and Treatment I’m going to be talking about Mood Disorders, and how this is an overlooked disorder throughout the United States. Mood disorders are characterized by the disturbances in mood or prolonged emotional state, sometime referred to as affect (Morris & Maisto, 2010). People tend to have a vast emotional state, one day they can be bubbly, and the next they can be sad or depressed. They can be excited…
Diagnosis and Treatment for Anxiety Disorders Diagnosis and Treatment for Anxiety Disorders The key issues in the case of Donald are anxiety disorders, depression and panic attacks. Anxiety disorder is the major issue because Donald has been suffering from this disorder for most of his life. He started suffering anxiety during the first years of his marriage and he has been married for about 30 years and he is still suffering from anxiety. The anxiety is causing Donald to worry about almost everything…
class to attempt a comprehensive review of the use and impact of psychopharmacological agents as part of the treatment regimen for their symptoms. Causes of Mood Disorders According to (NIMH) the National Institute of Mental Health (2009), the causes of mood disorders at this time are not completely understood.…
Assessment, Diagnosis, and Treatment of a Family Janine M Vereen Capella University Assessment, Diagnosis, and Treatment of a Family There are several contents that must be taken into consideration to ensure the Jone’s family receives the appropriate assessment, diagnosis and treatment. Also, a consideration of culture is essential in this process, especially when the client and counselor have complete opposite backgrounds. It is important for the counselor to develop culturally…
The vast majority of patients seeking treatment for an eating disorder do not meet full DSM criteria. What are the implications for diagnosis and treatment of eating disorders? What are the broader implications for categorical versus dimensional perspectives on the diagnosis of mental illness? The Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition [DSM 5] defines eating disorders within four categories: Anorexia Nervosa [AN], Bulimia Nervosa [BN], Binge Eating Disorder [BED] and…
with emphasis on the definition clinical emphasis on the definition, clinical features, histological features, treatment and prognosis for each and prognosis for each. ORAL PATHOLOGY III Lecture Objectives Obj • • • • • • To know the definition, clinical features, histological features, treatment and prognosis for specific examples of dermatologic treatment, and prognosis for specific examples of dermatologic disease. To apply that knowledge to case based problems. Discuss…
Illness Paper Mental Illness Paper There are many different types of mental disorders, and Autism has been a disease that has made enormous strides and some that are unexplained. This paper will discuss the history, neurological symptoms, and treatments associated with the disease. The history of Autism started before the disorder was named. People and patients with the disorder were named retarded or even mental insane. Autism’s name is Greek meaning “autos", which in English terms means “self"…
week and the subject is back for her findings. As all tests have been reviewed and no physical reason has been found that would equate to the subjects symptoms, the treatment team has diagnosed the subject from her symptoms and through her initial intake assessment. What has finally played a major contributor to the subject’s diagnosis were: trouble sleeping, inability to concentrate, and the length to which the subject has been experiencing the symptoms. The subject has described symptoms that correspond…