The verses or stanzas run in triads {1,2,3, = a} 1.4. Outline: He looked to Himself; He looked to the Lord; He looked to the people! 2. LOOKING AT HIMSELF! (1-18) 2.1. Here we have Jeremiah’s anguish. 2.1.1. Dakes finds 32 sufferings & sorrows of Jeremiah in these 1st 18 vs. 2.1.2. Also note the “He has” statements. (17 x’s) 2.2. Vs.4-10 - He saw himself an aged man, on a winding path, in the dark, being pursued by lions, tigers, & bears, oh my! 2.2.1. Well a lion & a bear(10,11). 2.2.2…
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