Sleep disorders commonly emerge in people who are not maintaining their regular activity, where it is crucial that the daytime scheduling of behaviour is consistent to prevent the potential for manifestation. Michael’s failure to maintain this increases his susceptibility, wherein the patient’s symptom of early onset insomnia can categorically be diagnosed as delayed sleep-phase disorder (DSPD), consecutively with other symptoms. Conversely, it is important to note that if pre-existing mental disorders exist, the diagnosis and therapy recommended may alter effectiveness due to the unidentified underlying causes. Delayed sleep-phase disorder is a condition which causes considerable delay in circadian rhythms, resulting in difficulty falling asleep in the evening and difficulty arising in the morning. Accordingly, it is one in which “is characterized by a stable sleep schedule that is substantially later than the conventional or desired time”, wherein there is “extreme difficulty arising when they attempt to conform to a conventional work schedule or other social demands” (Sack et al., 2007). This condition affects in excess of 15% of adults and adolescents, according to the American Sleep Association (2018). Circadian rhythms are pivotal in explaining the nature of this psychological disorder, where their reliance is based on environmental cues known as zeitgebers to regulate the twenty-four-hour cycle of behaviour or physiological activity.…show more content… To reduce the effect on the patient, the recommendation is that they regulate sleep hygiene to maintain their circadian rhythm. Nevertheless, diagnosis is manageable if through adequate behaviour modification, using the recommended treatment options, though constant monitoring of sleep is important to regulate the effectiveness of the phase
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