Essay Define Me

Submitted By xfrazier3
Words: 524
Pages: 3

I know you’re pondering what defines a guy with such an anomalous name and eccentric haircut. I received a tremendous amount of antagonistic criticism of my appearance for years. Criticism never adhered to me because of such a significant role my father imputed in my life. I’ve came to invigorate your soul with a vicarious thrill of the experience I surmounted to define me. I am ___________ and this is my undisputed truth.
On October 16,1992 I was born 7 pounds and 8 ounces. I took my first step at 8 months old and uttered my first word at 9 months. When I was 2 years old I knew all of my shapes, numbers, and all 26 letters of the English alphabet. At the age of 4 I was able to fluently read and comprehend on a 2nd grade level. My doctor immediately declared me as a precocious child.
My entire duration of elementary school I was an A+ student. My father used coercive measures to discipline me with countless hours of calisthenics if ever scored anything less than 95 percent on a test. I enjoyed the meritorious accolades so much that I obtained an insatiable desire for knowledge. I would often aid my peers with ambiguous classwork and homework assignments. I was off to an auspicious start that I was destine to be successful one day.
My adolescent years is where things got interesting. When I was 14 I collaborated with my father to build my first social website. Mechanical languages is probably one of the esoteric disciplines I’ve ever endeavored. My father was incontrovertibly the motivating force within my life. Envisioning living life without his support was even more painful than reality.
October 2007, my father was incarcerated for aggravated assault and sentenced to 20 years in prison. I suffered from hysterical neurosis and was expeditiously derailed from the educational foundation I constituted in my junior years. My grades were abated and my disciplinary actions were augmented significantly. My principal