A. Develop a distribution pattern that meets availability and demand constraints and minimizes total shipping costs for Shuzworld, utilizing the appropriate decision analysis tool. Your current distribution pattern should have Shanghai shipping 1300 units to Warehouse 2, Shuzworld H shipping 300 units to Warehouse 1, 200 units to Warehouse 2 and 1800 units to Warehouse 3, and Shuzworld F shipping 2200 units to Warehouse 1. This transportation plan results in an Optimal Transportation Cost of $13,600. The updated production plan you outlined for me increases the production of the Shanghai plant from 1300 units to 2800 units. This is a very advantageous change as it results in an improved Transportation Cost In Shuzworld’s deck shoe case, R1 = 0.84, R2 = 0.91, and R3 = 0.99. Therefore:
Rs = 0.84 x 0.91 x 0.99 = 0.757 or 75.7% (This is the current system reliability.)
The process with the lowest reliability should be backed up, in this case Machine 1 whose reliability only stands at 84%. To calculate the new process reliability the following calculations are required:
Probability of second machine working Probability of second machine working Probability of needing second machine Probability of needing second machine Probability of first machine working Probability of first machine working
So in this case (0.84) + ({0.84} x {1 - 0.84}) = 0.84 + (0.84 x 0.16) = 0.84 + 0.13 = 0.97
0.97 is now the reliability for the combined machine 1 and its back up, the new R1
The reliability equation remains R1 x R2 x R3 = Rs
Therefore the new system reliability is Rs1 = 0.97 x 0.91 x 0.99 = 0.873 or 87.3% if you back up machine 1.
If you were to backup machine 2 the same calculation applies, but we solve for R2: R1 = 0.84, R2 = 0.91, and R3 = 0.99 R2 redundant = (0.91) + ({0.91} x {1 - 0.91}) = 0.91 + (0.91 x 0.09) = 0.91 + 0.08 = 0.99 New system reliability with Machine 2 redundant = Rs2= 0.84 x .99 x 0.99 = 0.823 or 82.3%
methodology; questionnaire design; sample frame; sampling methods; sample error Secondary sources: internet research; government and other published data; by-product data Storage: security of information; data protection issues; ethical issues 2 Understand a range of techniques to analyse data effectively for business purposes Representative values: mean, median, mode; calculation from raw data and frequency distributions using appropriate software; using the results to draw valid conclusions…
Chapter 1 An Introduction to Computers and Problem Solving Section 1.1 An Introduction to Computers 1. Visual Basic is considered to be a (A) (B) (C) (D) 2. The person who actually runs a computer program is called a (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) 3. user. customer. client. tester. runner. A A collection of lines of instruction is called a(n) (A) (B) (C) (D) 4. first-generation language. package. higher-level language. machine language. C program. algorithm. system. programmer. A Which of the following…
Pre discussion Task 10 Learning goals: 1. Why is it important to have cost behaviour information? 2. Which different methods are available to estimate cost behaviour? 3. Plot the data, using the high-low method! a. 2 graphs using ‘units of production’ and ‘labour hours’ as cost drivers! 4. Which seems to be the best cost driver? Many managerial functions such as planning and control rely on knowing how costs will behave The industrial engineering method, also called the work-measurement method…
6/11/2013 6/11/2013 Job Analysis and Hiring Decisions at Ovania Chemical MBA 509- Section 4 Tahira Khan (1110877) Rajin Haq (1110878) Md. Abdullah Saleh (0730072) Instructor: Dr. M. Nazmul Amin Majumder Job Analysis and Hiring Decisions at Ovania Chemical MBA 509- Section 4 Tahira Khan (1110877)…
Signature: Table of Contents Task No. Task Page No. Introduction 3 Task 1 4 Data Collection Plan 4 Sampling Methodology 4 Questionnaire 5 Summarising and Analysing Information 7 Analysing the result for research conclusion 9 Task 2 10 Calculation of mean and median 10 Calculation of upper and lower quartile sales 12 Producing Graphs 13 Making predictions through trend lines 13 Business Presentation 15 Task 3 20 Preparation of network for…
Cost and revenues (Level 3) Study and assessment guide OFQUAL unit code: D/504/3912 SQA unit code: UD58 04 Version date: April 2013 (version 2) Introduction Please note that this document is subject to annual review and revision to ensure that it accurately reflects the assessment criteria. This guidance note is written for the QCF Unit Cost and revenues (2013 standards). The AAT unit for this will be assessed by one 150 minute computer based examination. Please read this document in conjunction…
Contents Explanation of the Business Proposal 2 Business Objectives 2 Market Analysis 2 Financial Viability 3 Competitor Analysis 3 Operational Aspects 4 Identification of the Factors Influencing the Viability of your Business Proposal 5 Influence Diagram 5 Analysis of the Decision Making Methods 6 Influence Diagram 6 Project Management and use of Project Plans 6 Financial Modelling 7 Sensitivity Analysis 7 Conclusion 8 Appendices 9 Explanation of the Business Proposal The…
C-EBM502 Research Methods 2015_01TERM Stratford university Group 2 GOGURI RAJAGOPAL REDDY Contents 1. Abstract 2. Introduction of HCI 3. Problem statement 4. Research questions 5. Purpose statement 6. Significance of study 7. Qualitative Method on HCI 8. HCI analysis methodology 9. Data analysis 10. Data Interpretation on Hci and their inputs and outputs 11. Observation 12. Reference 1. Abstract Human-computer interaction…