Dbq Apush Essay

Submitted By ohhaiitskaren
Words: 1035
Pages: 5

Although the New England and the Chesapeake region were both settled largely by the people of English Origin, they ended up evolving into two distinct societies by the 16th century for a number of reasons. That being that there were social, environmental, economical, and religious differences amongst the two regions. The emigrants bound for New England which included the colonies of Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire, came as families (Document B), not necessarily looking for money or what-not, but for the opportunity to achieve freedom and have a new place to live. Many of those emigrants, who were Puritan, were also looking to escape religious persecutions. However, the emigrants bound for the Chesapeake which included the colonies of Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia, had a different plan in mind. These emigrants came as single individuals instead of families which were mostly men in their early 20’s (Document C). They came to the Chesapeake mainly for money as they were very much profit hungry. They set up large plantations where they made profit from their cultivation in tobacco because of a man named John Rolfe, the husband of Pocahontas, otherwise known as the “father of tobacco”, who in 1612, had perfected methods of raising and curing the pungent weed, eliminating much of the bitter tang. A tobacco rush swept across the Chesapeake, as the crops were planted even in the streets of Jamestown, Virginia. Ships had annually hauled some 1.5 million pounds of tobacco out of Chesapeake Bay by the 1630’s and almost 40 million pounds a year by the end of the century. Tobacco was able to flourish in the colonies of the Chesapeake, however, New England had difficulties prospering. The heavy glaciated soil in New England was packed with countless amounts of stones which made it hard for crops like tobacco to become a staple product, or for agriculture to grow. This downside also affected New England to be less ethnically mixed than the Chesapeake because the immigrants were not attracted to settle where the site was so stony. Even though the Chesapeake was able to become economically stable from tobacco cultivation, it eventually exhausted the soil creating the need more land, and more land and tobacco called for more workers. Slavery played a major role in the Chesapeake region. Both indentured servants and African Slaves were used to work in tobacco plantations to earn capital and for land. Virginia and Maryland established “the headright system” under which whoever paid the passage for the laborer, received the right to acquire 50-acres of land. With indentured servants, they were given a term of servitude in which they would fulfill and would have eventual freedom dues which included a few barrels of corn, a suit of clothes, and perhaps a small parcel of land. But as prime land became scarcer, masters of these indentured servants became increasingly resistant to including land grants in the servant’s freedom dues, thus igniting Bacon’s rebellion (Document H). As wealthy planters became land hungry, more and more slaves were brought in to the Americas and social status began to be established in both the Chesapeake and New England. As slavery spread, gaps in the Chesapeake’s social structure widened. At the top of their social ladder were the planters who ruled the region’s economy and for that matter, virtually monopolized political power. Far beneath them in wealth, prestige, and political power were the small farmers. Still lower on the social scale were the landless whites, and lastly were the black slaves. Social classes of the New England colonies were not as drastic as that of the Chesapeake. At the top were the clergymen. After came the white men, who usually owned small farms or businesses and had a family. Lower were the women who were expected to give birth to and raise children. At the bottom, like in the Chesapeake were the black slaves. Financially,