dance choreography 2 Essay

Submitted By Candy-Otieno
Words: 471
Pages: 2

Candyknight Otieno
Mrs. Wolf
Dance Choreography I (B2)
Dance elements in choreography
Different elements of dance are used in different ways by people. These elements are body, time, force, and space. Body placement or posture is very important while dancing, when done properly, lessens body strain and promotes dance skills.
Time is the duration of the movement, the beat, accent, rhythmic pattern and tempo, how fast or slow the movements are. The element of space is the area surrounding a person in which he/she is able to move. Force is the energy used in your body while moving. This includes heavy or light, sharp or smooth and even tensed or relaxed movements. Shape, direction, pathways and size are descriptions of the types of space. These elements were all used while we were creating our group dance.

At the beginning of the dance, the dance starts off with everyone facing in

different directions. The dance starts off really fast, so we have to be prepared and in our positions. Two girls are partnered up with two guys that represent abuse. They guys abuse their so called girlfriends but the girls try to push them away from their lives. The two angels in white try to pull the girls away from the torture and abuse.
At first it was hard for me to find my balance but as I got used to the dance I got better every time. Elevation was used when the tempo of the music went up followed by landing, the manner and quality in which the body returns to earth. We jump, kick and

hop as soon as the tempo rises. Balance is an equal distribution of weight, force, or influence. This is a part of body placement and our posture as well. Balance