Essay on Cwdc Standards 1

Words: 1374
Pages: 6

Standard 1
Understanding the principles and values essential to fostering children and young people.
Principles & Values: A
Early experiences significantly impact later life.
Children learn from birth. The most significant brain development happens in the early years.
Early education results from interactions between children and all adults who serve as their caregivers, including parents, relatives, baby sitters, teachers, and foster carers.
Values inform or influence choices and action across a wide range of role and context. Successful evolution in culture, systems and practices across a diverse needs base.
To be dependent partly upon on a shared philosophy and value base and this needs to be both practical and relevant to

Demonstrate how you promote these principles and values in the care you provide for children and young people.
1. Use children and young people's preferred communication methods and language, taking into account their age, abilities and level of development and understanding
2. Treat and value each child/young person as an individual
3. Respect the dignity and privacy of children and young people
4. Respect the children and young people's diversity, culture and values
5. Work in ways that do not discriminate but promote equity and inclusion
6. Work with children and young people in ways which demonstrate to them that we:
7. Recognize and value their beliefs, preferences and experiences
8. Put their views and preferences at the centre of everything you do
9. Recognize the impact that losses, experiences and life events have had on their lives and development
10. Recognize their right to complain and be supported in doing so
• provide active support to enable children and young people to:
• maximize their participation and independence
• take age appropriate responsibility
11. Identify and take appropriate action when behaviors’ and practice of others discriminate against children and young people
12. Ensure that children and young people have the appropriate information about how to complain and the support they can receive for this
13. Seek extra support and advice when we are having difficulty supporting the equality,