Csr Tata Motors Essay

Submitted By hunter1985
Words: 2406
Pages: 10

D efining priorities



D efining pr i o r i t i e s

Over the years, the automobile industry has contributed greatly in improving the quality of life of millions of people by providing access to efficient and cost effective modes of transport.
On the other hand, the industry has also come under the radar for issues related to environment and safety.
Over time, we have taken steps to address these issues as effectively as possible. This year, we conducted an assessment for revisiting material issues identified in the previous year.
All the issues of material significance were identified and assessed against six materiality filters - financial impacts and risks, legal drivers, internal policy drivers, peer based performance, stakeholder concerns and opportunity for innovation. The assessment confirmed climate change management, supply chain management, materials management, occupational health and safety and community stewardship as key material issues on which our stakeholders expect our response.

Managing our impacts on climate change is a material issue for us by virtue of our processes and products that are heavily dependent on fossil fuels as a source of energy. Rising fuel costs and impending legislations impede the growth of the auto sector.
Today, the sectoral focus is on developing fuel efficient vehicles, vehicles that are powered by alternative fuels and that have a low environmental impact over their life cycle. We have and will continue to research development of fuel efficient and alternate fuel vehicles,

which will have a minimum impact on greenhouse gas emissions across their life cycle. In our processes too, we strive to increase energy efficiency, in order to minimize our carbon footprint.

Procurement of appropriate raw materials and spare parts at the right time is essential for our efficient functioning.
important is the delivering of finished goods to our dealers and distributors. We acknowledge that our supply chain has a significant contribution on our sustainability performance and thereby our long term growth. We have initiated several programmes to enhance environmental and social consciousness within our supply chain. Our ultimate aim is to ensure that our supply chain has an equal understanding of our sustainability vision and strategy.

Optimising material use is one of our focus areas, with an aim of reducing consumption of virgin material and increasing recycle and reuse of waste. Through ERC, there is a dedicated focus on reduction and elimination of usage of toxic materials like hexavalent chromium, lead, asbestos, arsenic, ozone depleting substances etc. Material substitution also helps to contribute towards reducing the weight of the vehicles, thereby directly impacting fuel consumption and related greenhouse gas emissions. There is a serious focus on enhancing vehicle recoverability

and recyclability to appropriate disposal at vehicle life.

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We address health and safety related issues at two levels – operations and products. We follow a zero accident policy and our endeavour is to ensure a safe operating environment. Within our plants, we have taken a number of steps to improve occupational health and safety of our workforce.
Customer safety is of paramount importance to us, and we continue to implement features in our vehicles to enhance vehicular safety. Through research efforts, we also focus on passerby safety, to minimize negative impacts that may occur in case of accidents.

We consciously work hard to improve the quality of life of the community across our operations through well designed programmes in association with local authorities and non-profit organizations. Our focus areas are health, education, employability and environment, and we have linked them to the Human Rights Charter, Bharat