Write a critical review of the book "It's not Luck" by EM Goldratt from an operations strategy perspective. The emphasis of your review should be on principles of good operations strategy and should NOT just be a summary of the book.
Table of Contents
1. Preface 3 2. Introduction to Business Strategy and its Operations Strategy 3 3. Levels of Strategy 4 4. Executive Summary of It's Not Luck 6 5. Principles of Operations Strategy 7 6. Conclusion 9 7. References 10
1. Preface
The content of this assignment constitutes my understanding and interpretation of the book "It's Not Luck" authored by Dr. Eliyahu M. Goldratt. I have endeavoured to provide a critical review of the book and its application to the business Hence, the interpretations and thinking at the various levels differ. In The Goal it is the plant manager (Alex) and his supervisory team that are involved in the operational strategy of
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