Ramon Matos
Period 7
Courage is an honorable trait that not many people have. Anne Sexton is famous for her poetry and is known as the poet of pain. In her poem “Courage,” she finds that is not in grandiose gesture, but rather, “it’s in the small that we see it” (1). This poem gradually leads to an acceptance of death after a life of courageous moments. In Sexton’s poem, “Courage,” the theme of the poem is introduced in the opening line, metaphors are used to create the image of the theme. She writes, “The child’s first step, /as awesome as an earthquake” (2-3). The child’s first step represents someone’s first step towards reaching independence. She then writes,
“When they called you a crybaby /,
Or poor or fatty or crazy /,
And made you into an alien /,
You drank their acid /, And concealed it,” (8-12) sexton is comparing drinking acid to taking in what people say or do to someone, and concealing it to hiding ones emotions. Sexton is also a poet with social conscience, in the second stanza she attempts to capture the soldiers in the Vietnam War. She writes, “if you faced the death of bombs and bullets / you did not do it with a banner" (13-14) it’s as if she turning wounds into words. She is representing the way she feels about the war in which she is against. She writes, “If your buddy saved you And died himself in so doing, Then his courage was not courage It was love; love as simple as shaving soap.” (21-24)
Courageous acts may seem courageous, but they sometimes can be acts of love. She thinks that love is greater than courage, because it wouldn’t just take courage to save someone you know, especially if it’s on a deeper level. In her social conscience love
Related Documents: Essay about Courage: Poetry and Courage
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“a cloudy ethereal haze” and “before God’s throne” amplifies this point, as instead of remembering the death of the Jews as simply a historical event, Baker encourages the readers to consider the individual lives of the Jews and the suffering and courage of their final seconds. I believe that the snippet of dialogue “God will breathe for you my darling” is a profound and moving statement, as it depicts that whether or not it was actually historically correct, Baker is choosing to remember his Grandmothers…
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The Great Creation Good Evening and welcome to another exhilarating episode of The Progress of Poetry. I’m ferrarisosa and I will be your host for this evening’s show. The topic I will discuss today is the dramatic change in poetry called the Romantic Revolt. Since this era, poetry was no longer considered the province of the wealthy upper classes but a more true representation of attitudes, ideas and concerns of society. It has become a vehicle for social comment. This can be seen in the poet…
Lee does an amazing job at taking one of the books concepts of – what is the meaning of man. The movie is full of wisdom, faith, Hindu spiritualism and realism. No matter what your faith or belief, movie goers will enjoy the story of strength, courage. The story has been labeled by many as a story…
Queen Elizabeth would disguise herself as an regular citizen to rome around freely. In her era baths were considered a luxury but were not done everyday. Queen Elizabeth had lots of hobbies which included listening to music , playing instruments, and dancing, She loved poetry. One of her famous poems was “No crooked leg, no bleared eye, No part deformed out of kind, 1 Nor yet so ugly half can be As is the inward, 2 suspicious mind. Your loving mistress,” Elizabeth One of her enemies was her cousin Mary Queen of Scots who she had executed in 1587…