Essay about Life of Pi

Submitted By elaina96
Words: 388
Pages: 2

Elaina Hardy
English 100
September 23, 2013
Surrounded by Water
Times Magazine
4 out of 5 stars
The movie adaptation of the best-selling novel by Yann Martel, The Life of Pi, is a bold, beautiful and visually innovative adventure that centers on an Indian boy by named Pi Patel, played by Sarag Sharma, a newcomer in the industry. The film was directed brilliantly by Ang Lee, the director of the Oscar nominated “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon” after several well know directors such as, M. Night Shyamalan of…., considered the project un-filmable due to the concept and the budget. The story begins with the family of a precocious young boy whose family owns and manages a zoo; as a teen, the boy’s family decided to move from India to Canada, bringing along many of the animals from the zoo. From there, the story takes a disastrous turn, yet it is also the beginning of a greatly imaginative, challenging and spiritually filled adventure for Pi.
The characters in the The Life of Pi , which include a zebra, hyena and an a Bengal Tiger, all symbolize something much greater than ourselves in the movie. Although it seems this may be difficult to depict in the screen, Lee does an amazing job at taking one of the books concepts of – what is the meaning of man. The movie is full of wisdom, faith, Hindu spiritualism and realism. No matter what your faith or belief, movie goers will enjoy the story of strength, courage. The story has been labeled by many as a story