Cost Benefit Analysis Essay

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Pages: 10

Cost Benefit Analysis: New Orleans Sleeves Project

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Cost Benefit Analysis: New Orleans Sleeves Project Decision environment often experience dynamics and swings which create short and long term effect on chances of survival for two alternatives to solve a problem. When faced with a decision dilemma that requires critical assessments, analysis resorts to analytical tools that ensure competitive positioning advantage. However, there must be a clear justification for the decision through review of benefits and projected results of suggested decision. Thus, this reflective treatise attempts to explicitly review the cost and benefits of rebuilding the

The above data is vita in decision science and resource allocation towards disaster management preparedness. Each hazard is assigned to a quadrant with predetermined response strategies and ‘follow-ups’ upon implementation. In this case, threat hurricane attracts minimal attention as the frequency of their occurrence is minimal and overall impacts low. Therefore, minimal resources and preparedness are allocated to this by the Mayor. Scope control is the process of monitoring the status of the scope of the project. This section also details the change process for making changes to the scope baseline. The mayor will leverage the project by using it as a statement of work for each element. This is summarized in the diagrams below.

The Federal Government (Taxpayers and FEMA) This constituency determines the possibility of funds for the reconstruction of the sleeves in New Orleans. The cost of rebuilding the sleeves is likely to cost the taxpayers a sum of $14 billion that only recurs after 100 years. From the government reservoir, the project implementation is dependent on agency and priority allocated by the FEMA authority. The magnitude of estimated risk varies from one hazard to another. Factually, aftermaths of natural disasters are likely to affect more that 40% of the city population who cannot afford hurricane proof housing. Therefore resources should be preserved and directed towards addressing the impacts