Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Business Essay examples

Submitted By awaiskrd
Words: 308
Pages: 2

We had to determine the approach Nestlé’s social responsibility to make this presentation team. It 'a responsibility to improve community well-being through discretionary business practices and contributions of corporate resources (Kotler, 2005).
With regard to corporate social responsibility, Nestlé introduced its GDA (guideline daily amount), in order to inform consumers of their diet, which is required every day. Such an approach was beyond the legal obligations and consumers were aware of their diet. Nestle has identified health problems among citizens, such as obesity and wanted to improve the habit of eating healthy in order to establish this guideline GDA. This is a good example of corporate social responsibility. In addition to a campaign in schools to make children aware and interested in healthy eating. This increases the Nestlé corporate social responsibility.
Another theory, which is included in the panel report is the SWOT analysis. The team identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for the business. GDA has been recognized as strength of Nestlé, because exclusivity raises awareness and customer loyalty. It also makes the high cost of conversion to switch to another manufacturer. However, GDA discourage consumers to buy more daily doses may lead to loss of revenue for Nestlé. Currently, there is many other food manufacturers produce GDA for its products, which can pose a threat to Nestlé.

The team had also determined the Nestle marketing