Essay on Concept Note

Submitted By Frosina1
Words: 494
Pages: 2

Andrews argue a positivistic research emphasizes reality which exists independently of social actors, acceptable knowledge that constitutes by credible data and facts from observable phenomena, and being undertaken in a value-free way. More control may be given by questionnaire strategy, thus, avoiding results affected by other factors. The standardised data will be analysed via quantitative statistical technique. Ultimately, the developed hypothesis can be tested and confirmed by generalizable findings, in whole or part, or refuted, leading to the further development of theory which may be tested by further research.
If the research reflects interpretivism, then opposite assumptions about the way of conceptualizing the world will be contained. Migiro notes interpretivistic researches emphasize social reality is mind-dependent and mind-constructed, the epistemological position that acceptable knowledge composed by subjective meanings and social phenomena, and value bound. Thus, Specifically, interviews can be conducted by telephone, which facilitates exploring what strengths each advertising strategy has and linkages between these strengths and economic condition each strategy suits for. The complex non-numerical data will be categorised to generate patterns of data. Relying on the patterns, theory may be built; however, clear patterns may not emerge leading to less credible for non-researchers.

Andrews, N. (1998). Seeing, semantics and social epistemic practice. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, 29(4), pp. 501-514.

Bailey, J.R., Ford, C.M., & Raelin, J.D (2009) ‘Philosophical Ties That Bind Practice : The Case of Creativity’, Journal of Management Inquiry, 18 (27)

Fiedler, S. (2010) Phraseology in a time of crisis: The language of bank advertisements before and during the financial crisis 2008-2010. Yearbook of phraseology, Volume 2010, pp.1–18.

Lee, T.D. and Chung, W. (2011) A strategic response to the financial crisis: an empirical analysis of financial services advertising before and during the financial crisis’, Journal of Services Marketing, 25(3)