Celestial Jackson
Review Questions Lesson 8
Written Questions 1. How does using a template to create documents increase your efficiency?
A template contains basic elements that people can customize. This can increase efficiency because you do not need to start from scratch and the basic elements are already included in templates. 2. Describe workgroup collaboration.
The process of working together in teams, sharing computers, and exchanging ideas for a common purpose. 3. How does Word include each of the following when the Tracked Changes feature is turned on? a. Inserted Text- text that you insert is underlined and colored with the same color as your comments. b. Deleted Text- deleted text is put into a Deleted balloon similar to a comment balloon. c. Moved Text- The text you move is marked with a Moved Balloon. 4. Under what circumstances would you us Mail Merge?
An example would be if you send a letter to each member of a professional organization. 5. What name appears in the Screen Tip associated with a comment?
The person’s name, the date, and the time the comment was made.
1. A template file can be used only once. F 2. If you want to create a sheet of labels with different names and addresses on each label, you should use the Labels button on the Mailing tab. T 3. Comments automatically show the name of the person typing the comment, regardless of the text in the User name box on the General tab in
people have even heard of this software, which runs under the App functions on devices such as cell phones and note pads. This software holds the IQ of the user, such as information about the user, birthdates, names, contacts, and etcetera. Consequently, CIQ does not require the App users consent or even their knowledge for that matter, for it to operate or start running. Secondly, in every household around the world there is a computer, a laptop, cell phone, or note pad, Xbox, router, and the…
Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. Cost Center Monthly Report 3. Analysis of Details in the Consolidated excel file 4. Identify top spenders 5. Employee Contact, with different issues. Monitor Apps Installed Home Storage Apps Autodesk Duplicate MWP’s 6. Confirmation 7. Build report – with changes 1. INTRODUCTION The purpose of this work instruction is to overall reduce IS/IT costs for Ericsson. By going over all the ISIT Spend monthly summaries and removing unnecessary…
Mobile Guide Upload to Box On Your iPhone or iPad Add photos, videos and create new folders Updates Files Updates Contacts Files Contacts Apps Apps All Files Files All Upload Upload New... Business Development Updated Oct 12, 2011 by Julia Withersbee Business Development Marketing Analyst Research.docx 383 Updated Oct 3, 2011 by Adam Smith KB 383 Updated Oct 5, 2011 by You · 350 Overview.pdf Analyst Security 11, 2011 by You · 1.2 MB Research…
current market Our organization mainly designs, develops and sells consumer electronics, computer software and personal computers, for example, TVs, smartphones, computers, music player, etc. Therefore, our organization mainly focus on 25-44 years old range group people who pursue best quality, multifunctional, and creative design. The sales of our products increase year by year. We developed tablet computers which could shoot video, take photos, play music, and perform Internet functions such as…
Representation of intimacy in digital culture through dating apps and films 1. Digital culture and dating apps The 21st century is seeing exciting changes driven by new ways of thinking informed by development in digital technology. As we are living in where the internet and the World Wide Web have, the internet has become a major part of work, social, and political life for people and also media, culture and science in advanced economic countries. Murphy describes that the impact of any technology…
Computing and Social Networks Danielle Harrison Strayer University Dr. Edwin Otto Information Systems for Decision Making December 9, 2013 Mobile-Based Applications and Geolocation Data Geolocation uses data acquired from a computer or mobile device to identify a physical location. Applications using this technology offer consumers convenience, discounted prices and easy information sharing, enable enterprises to deliver more personalized customer service. Geolocation applications…
useful, especially in the social networking arena. It allows us to inform our friends and followers as to where we are and what we are doing. This technology created a way for us to do things once thought could only be done via telephone or desktop computer. This same technology has become a part of us and everything we do, we have grown to depend on it and it has proven to be most efficient and effective. Perhaps one of the greatest accomplishments of mobile based applications is mobile GPS…
phones or computers didn’t exist. American people are very dependent on the technology of today. What is technology doing to the American’s of today? Technology is a key that opens many doors. The window of opportunity is so large and the possibilities of growth and greater knowledge are endless. The invention of computers and cell phones have made lives of the American people easier, the ability to communicate has become faster, and society has become more advanced. Cell phones and computers have…
| BTEC Level 2 Extended Certificate in IT Unit 29: presenting Information using IT Scenario: You are on work placement with a software retailer called COMP-APPS. They are setting up a stand at a trade exhibition and have asked you to produce some leaflets and documents to hand out to the visitors at the exhibition. The focus of the leaflets and documents is to explain the features of the various application…
the information search provision. Google’s main industry spans across different products and services where the opportunity is related to the internet (such as Internet, Computer software and Telecoms equipment). Boundaries- Software boundaries (operating systems, applications, widgets, computer programs), Hardware (computers, tablets, music players, phones, smart watches, glasses), Internet/web based. Step 2: General environment analysis Anaylis the seven generic elements: Demographic…