Outline Thesis statement: When compared side-by-side, there are differences in the two. Some of these include that the Lexus ad uses predominantly the logos, or logical, appeal whereas the second uses pathos, the emotional appeal, the target audiences for both commercials, and the effectiveness of each. 1. Pathos or logos? 1. VW uses more pathos than Lexus. 1. Humor is effective tactic in advertising. 2. By using humor, advertisers make their product more memorable. 2. Lexus uses more Logos than VW. II. Target audiences. 1. VW targets younger viewers but could be effective on almost anyone. 2. Lexus targets a more mature, serious audience. III. Effectiveness. 1. VW is more effective because When compared side-by-side, there are differences in the two. Some of these include that the Lexus ad uses predominantly the logos, or logical, appeal whereas the second uses pathos, the emotional appeal, the target audiences for both commercials, and the effectiveness of each. First, the commercial by Volkswagen uses primarily the pathos appeal (“Meet”) whereas; the Lexus commercial uses mainly logos (“Engineering”). The VW ad uses humor to get its message across (“Meet”). Humor is a very effective tactic used in advertising because it entertains the viewer, and that makes them more likely to remember the product being promoted. In contrast, the advertisement by Lexus presents facts about their product to persuade the audience to consider their vehicles (“Engineering”). This is also a good way for companies to inform their potential customers. Businesses build up credibility by presenting factual information rather than meaningless entertainment. In that way, they are using the ethos appeal by using the logos appeal. These two approaches to advertising are both effective, and which appeal a company focuses on may be largely contributed to the audience being targeted. On that
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