Barely have we broken the Earthly bonds that keep us here and conceal us from the stars above. Currently we do not have plans to touch down a human on the nearest planet till 2025. However until then, I find it very necessary to really take into consideration the places we can consider as options. Some may find such a venture forward like this a waste of taxpayer money, but when it comes to the advancement of our society as a whole, especially for survival’s sake, we must treat such research as critically and sensitive as possible. Many factors must be looked at such an investment for humankind happens. Travel and distance between the planet and Earth must be reasonable, the characteristics of the planet itself must be complementary to our own survival in some form, and finally it must show a significant worth in the investment of us as a species. Although as difficult of a combination as these may be, thankfully there are such places within our solar system. Our planetary neighbor and Saturn’s largest moon have both shown such promise. Therefore, with the need of expansion into our own galactic neighborhood a necessity, we must compare two of the most highly considered worlds outside our own, Mars and Titan, for exploration. Dubbed to be just outside our solar systems’ habitable zone, Mars would be an excellent first stop for the colonization of humanity somewhere other than Earth. Considering it’s the closest object in the sky next to our moon and Venus, it has an average distance between our two planets of 140 million miles (225 million km), thus it would take 3,888 hours (162 days) with a ship travelling 36,000 mph (58,000 , kph) to reach. This may seem far, however considering our second home would be moving near and away from us constantly, it would be decently easy compared to anywhere else. With the little exploration of the planet we have already conducted, we have already come to discover much about what this planet has had to offer. In fact already we have come to realize just how alike Mars is from Earth. Of all the planets in the Solar System, the seasons of Mars are the most Earth-like, due to the similar tilts of the two planets' rotational axes. The lengths of the Martian seasons are about twice those of Earth's because Mars' greater distance from the Sun leads to the Martian year being about two Earth years long. Other features that exist show clues that once the Red Planet was covered in large bodies of water, this proven by the largely geographic landscapes it has. Mountains, riverbeds, canals and landforms visible on Mars strongly suggest that liquid water has, at least at times, existed on the planet's surface. But due to recent studies any liquid water on the surface of Mars as of now, would instantly burn up, due to the thin atmosphere of the planet. Some might although suggest that the water is trapped in the planets’ north and south polar ice caps due to the presence of ice, which during the winter months the poles are darkened by lack of sunlight. But unfortunately this ice is never a liquid at all. For instead its composition comes straight from the atmosphere and freezes to make dry ice, or frozen CO2. Nonetheless scientists are determined to dig into the iron oxidized planet, and hopefully discover the conceived idea that this dead planet could have been once as fertile as ours. Being so alike with our own planet, Mars offers a perfect example of humanity’s first possible attempt of colonization and with signs of liquid water, this could be the closest to another home we will have in our solar system If the rustic red barrens of Mars aren’t exactly what you’re looking for then try travelling to Saturn’s largest moon, Titan. Considering Saturn is the sixth planet from the sun at a distance of about 1.5 billion km (934 million mi), it would take 6 ½ years of travel to reach the small satellite. That’s a long trip to reach a moon, so why go there? Titan is probably the best example of
Zonglun Wu Reflective Essay of Unit 2 Be honest, at the beginning of unit 2, I think it’s going to be a challenge for me to write the compare and contrast essay, because I didn’t write this kind of essay before. The Classes helps a lot. Since the topic is going to be the Ameican president election, the professor Berry invited another professor from political science department to introduce the election to us. Then, we did a lot of works to compare articles about campaign from different…
ASSIGNMENT) ENGLISH 1302 Hybrid 8 Week Block 2 Stafford CLASS – Fall 2013 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Students may choose to participate in a “Service Learning Project” in lieu of writing Essay #2 (the “timed” 2 hour midterm essay). This assignment is designed to take learning “out of the classroom” and allows for students to contribute to the community by providing much needed services. Volunteer service is a rewarding activity and could potentially aid students…
Aim: How can we begin finalizing our college essays? Do Now: 1. Take out your homework—the revision of the first draft for one of your college essays 2. Begin typing the draft (count as a grade). Classwork_____________________________________________________________________ Directions: 1. By now you should be making the necessary last changes to your first essay and/or working on your second essay. 2. Rubric—Read the requirements for the rubric. 3. Classwork:…
about the class: Prerequisite ENGL 030 or ENGL 040 or ENGL 098 or READ 040 or placement at the ENGL 099 level as defined by the College. An introduction to fundamental techniques of reading and writing including sentence skills, paragraph and essay development, and use of literal and inferential comprehension for critical and analytical thinking, reading and writing at the college level. 90 lecture hours. Course Student Learning Outcomes Upon completion of this course, students will be able…
of reading strategy. The final step reread is when you reread the context while asking questions and drawing conclusions. 1.3 Chapter 3 This chapter expresses the importance of a writing process. The process consists of three steps pre-writing, writing, and rewriting. When pre-writing you explore the subject, brainstorm, create a thesis and establish purpose. The second step writing is when you actually being constructing your paper, and organize you essay. The final step rewriting is when you…
Minimal Course Requirements By the end of their second writing course, students will have written • A variety of texts, including at least one researched essay, with opportunities for response and revision • A minimum of 5000 total words (roughly 20 total pages of written work), as made clear by the grading procedures Grading Procedure: Your assignments will be evaluated according to the department…
LESSON PLAN – KEEFE TECHNICAL SCHOOL – MIKE PEPPERSACK TOPIC: ESSAY related to The Canterbury Tales & Sir Gawain & The Green Knight CLASS: British Literature DURATION: Multiple days (max. 4 in class) OBJECTIVES: ▪ Establish connections between two epic poems from relatively the same time. ▪ Draw connections with respect to epic hero, love triangles, chivalry and more. ▪ Practice writing an informative essay with an established thesis statement, a solid introduction, a clear body and…
Reflective Essay on Writing 101 University of Maryland University College October 7, 2014 I chose to participate in WRTG 101 not only because it’s a core requirement towards my degree plan, but to enhance my writing skills. Over the past few months, with the help of my Professor and classmates, I’ve honed my writing skills watching them improve from being decent to something better. Overall I expect to learn and refresh writing skills and identity what skills I need to improve by the end of…
WR 39C Logistical Matters: The submission deadline of your final ePortfolio is [DATE] at 12:00 pm, high noon. To submit your ePortfolio please make it publicly viewable. (We will talk about how to enable the publicly viewable option.) I. Its Contents A. The Basics Required Artifacts: Reflective Introduction (58 pages, approx. 1500 words minimum) Historical Conversations Project, Graded Version (with or without final grade and comments) Advocacy Project, Graded Version…
Instructor: Kevin Lyon WRD 103 Assignment: Final Portfolio FQ 2012 PURPOSE: As we prepare for the closing of the quarter, you are given the opportunity to again reflect on the work you have done and to recognize any goals you have yet to achieve in your writing. Additionally, you are expected to revise the work you have done over the quarter to reflect the ideas and developments we have covered for the quarter. Because the portfolio should be cumulative for all of the work you did this…