Welcome! This is an exciting opportunity for you as the employee and us as the employer. You are a very important member of our team. As an employee of Company X you will understand your position with the Company very rewarding and productive. Our success is very much depended upon the loyalty and dedication of you the employee; we are very much selective in choosing new employees of our team. The policies and procedures in this handbook are in effect at the time of publication. Your appointed supervisor or manager will be happy to answer any questions you may have at any time during your employment here.
This handbook provides helpful and useful information about the standards, the procedures, and benefits. After reading and understanding this handbook it will help you to get acquainted with Company X. Please take some time to familiarize yourself with this handbook because it applies to all employees. We have an open door communication policy and suggestion any and all ideas or concerns regarding Company X that will help us succeed. We would like you to be a part of our success by helping to improve the quality of our Company. Please bring all your ideas and any concerns to your immediate supervisor preferably in writing and we as the Company will respond within a reasonable time frame.
We here at Company X take pride in making sure our organization monitors and enforce ethical behavior during your employment. We take pride in our ethical program which as you will see will include standards and procedures, code of conduct, ethics training section, and how each employee can help improve the ethical program. In this handbook we take pride in our employees to abide by all rules and regulations in regards to ethical behavior. At the end of the ethical policy and procedures you will know what our Company visions for the prospective employee.
Standards of Conduct
We here at Company X enforce safe and efficient practice for our employees so that our organization can run smoothly for all involved working together. The following standards of conducts are to be followed by all employees. We do not accept or condone any kind of disruptive behavior towards other employees or abusive behavior to the workplace. Any and all kinds of infractions may and can lead to corrective actions up to and including termination. Our Company is an “at-will” Company; employees may be terminated or disciplined with or without cause or advance notice at anytime by the Company or by the employee.
Dress and Personal Appearance
This standard of conduct applies to all employees to address all the guidelines and rules in regarding to dress and personal appearance. Dress and personal appearance only applies to employees during regular business hours.
All employees must present themselves in a businesslike dress code, clothing must be neat clean and wrinkled free. No clothing may be worn that will be offensive to our follow employees or customers. Hair must be pulled back in a ponytail clear out of the face. The employee’s nails must be completely cut back and only allowed to wear clear nail polish. All employees should dress in accordance with regards to the position they are performing. Employees must at all times maintain good personal hygiene habits. Above all else all employees while on the premise shall always wear their name badges.
The following are misconduct in regards to dress and appearance and should not occur during regular business hours and during and employees shift:
Faded jeans, torn or ripped clothing, mid drift blouses, no tank tops at all, spandex pants, anything with profanity or derogatory discrimination. Short shorts or short skirts, crop tops, and or sweats. Pants that are sagging and not worn around the waste. No tattoos showing on any parts of the body, and no sandals worn at any time during employment.
Attendance and Punctuality
All employees are expected to report to work as on time, as
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