A Community Health's Perspective For Disease Control And Prevention

Words: 2777
Pages: 12

A Community Health's Perspective for Disease Control & Prevention

The paper is intended to ascertain research statistics, facts, policies and analysis of topics that contributes to the health and wellbeing of a community. The effects of injury prevention and the control of infectious diseases are discussed. The rationale of controlling the cost of healthcare through behavioral and lifestyle changes is discussed. How does the exploitation of drugs, alcohol and tobacco influence the health of the community? In a community health setting, the relationship between affordable housing and violence prevention is analyzed. The impact of obesity on the community and other forms of chronic illness is

Disease control and prevention comprise carefully planned steps taken to help people avoid contaminants such as bacteria and viruses that cause illness. Bacteria, viruses and parasites are microscopic organisms that are easily contacted due to unhealthy lifestyles and behaviors. Disease is classified as communicable (infectious) and non-communicable. A non-communicable disease is pathologically chronic in nature and is not transferable. According to the World Health Organization (2013): Non-communicable diseases (NCDs), also known as chronic diseases, are not passed from person to person. They are of long duration and generally slow progression. The four main types of non-communicable diseases are cardiovascular diseases (like heart attacks and stroke), cancers, chronic respiratory diseases (such as chronic obstructed pulmonary disease and asthma) and diabetes. (p. 9) Infectious diseases are caused by viruses, parasites and bacteria. They can be spread in the community by contact, fluids and inhalation of polluted air. Contacting disease has become exceedingly common due to over crowdedness in cities, towns and local communities. Because people live in proximity, appropriate steps must be taken to help prevent diseases from occurring. The parasitic nature of viruses and bacteria give them capability of residing undetected in their host. Replication and regeneration of microbes are routine activities while lying dormant and feeding on