Introduction Racism Essay examples

Submitted By domodoubt10
Words: 2387
Pages: 10

Dominic Long
Dr. Collins
Introduction Racism

What impact does the perception of racism have on success dealing with African American education? Well personally speaking I know exactly what the problem is, and it will continue to be an issue as the days, months, and years go on. Too many people still feel like racism should be relevant in today’s living. It originated way back when people were dealing with slavery. For example: Rodney King when the police started forcefully and continuously beat him to death. Next, was Ferguson which is very big right now? It so many things that been going on in these cases. It shows that racism is still in the air and being exposed in today’s society. That is the problem and need to come to a complete stop.

Racism has been a significant portion of modern society, since the creation of a Colonialist form of leadership. Psychology has often used this type of leadership and Patriarchal understanding within its formation of psychopathic analyses and therapy programs. However; within recent years, it has become apparent that these ideas and functionalities, may not have been as honest and successful as they had been originally intended. One of the primary reasons for this being; the lack of multi-cultural inclusion. In fact; there is extensive analytical debate regarding the formation of culture, and if it should be inclusive within the field of Psychology at all. This form new and innovation problem such as how do we discuss and resolve.

They say today that public school students of color get more punishment and less access to veteran teachers than their white peers, according to surveys by the U.S. education department that include data from every U.S. school district. Black students are suspended or expelled at triple the rate of their white peers, according to the U.S. education department’s 2011-2012 civil rights data collection. Five percent of white students were suspended annually, compared with 16 percent of black students. Black girls were suspended at a rate of 12 percent which is way greater than girls of other ethnicities and most categories of boys. Minority students have less access to experienced teachers. Most minority students and English language learners are stuck in school with the most new teachers. Seven percent of black students attend schools where as many as 20 percent of teachers fail to meet license and certification requirements. Not to mention that one in four school districts pay teachers in less-diverse high school 5,000 more than teachers in schools with higher black and Latino student’s enrollment.
Such discrimination lowers academic performance for minority students and puts them at greater risk of dropping out of school, according to previous research. The new research also shows the shortcoming of decades of legal and political moves to ensure equal rights to education. The Supreme Court’s landmark 1954 Brown v. Board of education ruling banned school segregation and affirmed the right to quality education for all children. The 1964 civil Rights Acts guaranteed equal access to education. This is a prime and perfect example that shows why racism is still relevant for Black African Americans and their education. 16 percent of Americans public school students are black; they represent 27 percent of students referred by schools to law enforcement, and 31 percent of students arrested for an offense committed in school, according to the survey. Students with disabilities make up one-fourth of students referred to law enforcement or arrested, although they represent 13 percent of the student population. Students with disabilities are twice as likely to be suspended out of school as peers, with 13 percent of such students being sent home for misbehaving. One of four boy students of color who have disabilities was suspended. Students of color include all non-white ethnic groups except Latino and Asian-American. According to new data,