college comp Essay example

Submitted By tycorianmommy
Words: 593
Pages: 3

Use only APA Formatting

-To help others learn more about mental health, we should have workshops, resources and a block party to help with this issue. This is a bit too broad. Mental health is good big of a term. Is there a particular thing like depression you want to focus on? Also what is this—some organization that promotes what you want to make people aware of? The thesis should be something about the need to spread the word about a specific illness.

I chose this as my thesis statement because it will help my readers break down my main points am trying explain to them. It will help me break out and start giving ideas on the issue at hand. It will give the reader's my three main points I am trying to explain to them.

My research strategy is to talk to people who have a mental illness and get there thoughts and ideas on mental illness—This will not be valid for your paper. . I plan on reading books on this issue as well. I want to research more on all the different type of mental illness there is to find. I want to be able to give people as much knowledge as possible on this issue. I plan on using the KU Library to help be with most of my research. I have use the library previously. They have a lot of good books and articles on mental illness and children. I plan on looking for other internet sources outside of the ones I always use. I want to find new information from new websites. You need to focus on one illness. Then your research plan will be more specific.

If I had an audience in front of me at the moment, my speech would go as written:
People let's all gather around and listen to the issue at hand! Let’s all come up with a solution for our children. Let's all come up with a solution to pass on information about mental illness. Let's all not be blind to this issue. Children today are our future. We are counting on them to help us with our future. Let’s all get informed while we still have a chance. Here you are very enthusiastic. You need to avoid clichés like children are our future. You need to be specific.