Lang Arts (choose 1 of top 2 courses; others optional)
31301/2 11A - Lit of US/Adv Comp
31311/2 11AB - Am Lit/Int Comp
31330 Journalism (w/instructor approval)
Social Studies (must choose US History II or AP US History; others are electives)
91351/2 US History II
91311/2 AP U.S. History
91220 Modern War-Cause/Impact
91230 Ideas/Shape World
91250 Current Events
91911/2 AP Psychology
91940 Topics in Psychology
91700 AP Economics
61111/2 Algebra 1
61211/2 Geometry
61311/2 Algebra 2
61331/2 Adv Algebra
61411/2 Funct/Stats/Trig
61501/2 Precalculus
81320 Global Impact (& Science)
61511/2 AP Calculus (AB)
61551/2 AP Statistics
61711/2 Technical College Math/DC
Physical Education
74330 PE Level 3 – Team Sports
74340 PE Level 3 – Ind Sports
74350 PE Level 3 – Adv Condit
74380 PE Level 3 - Fitness / Life
Art (Drawing/Painting 1 OR 3D Art is a prerequisite for all other art courses except Photo and Comp Gen Art)
01100 Drawing/Painting 1
01110 3D Art
01160 Arts Explorica
01200 Drawing/Painting 2
01210 Adv Drawing
01300 Drawing/Painting 3
01330 Adv Painting
01400 Ceramics
01410 Adv Ceramics 1
01420 Adv Ceramics 2
01450 Adv 3D Art (Prereq)
01430 Cartoon/Graphic Novels
01700 Jewelry 1/Art Metals 01710 Jewelry 2/Art Metals
01900 B & W Photography
01910 Photography 2
01950 Comp Generated Art
01801/2 Adv Studio Arts
02301/2 Chamber Orchestra
02101/2 Symphonetta Band
02421/2 A Cappella Choir
02401/2 Bel Canto Choir
11001/2 Surv of Tech/Eng
11701/2 Architectural Design
11711/2 Adv Graphics (Prereq)
11971/2 Construction Skills
11941/2 Digital Electronics/AS
11801/2 Electricity