Code Of Practice For Social Care

Words: 2031
Pages: 9

The first role that I will be discussing is a social worker. Social workers work with children and families and help support them through difficult times and they ensure that every vulnerable person, including children and adults are safeguarded from harm. Their main role is to provide support, to not judge people and help people to guarantee them an improved quality of life.
Social workers have to maintain professional relationships with people to ensure that their work is kept professional. Social workers often have to use their professional judgement to make tough decisions that people may not like but they have to understand that the social workers are doing it to help them in the best way possible. Social workers work in a variety of

For example, if a child has been put in the care system it is the role of the social worker to visit the child, support them and see how they are getting on and most importantly make sure that they are trying their best to find the child in the care system a loving home and a home that is suitable for them. Social workers also have a code of practice booklet that they have to stick to and they can refer to it when they need to. The code of practice for social care was published in 2002 by the care council for Wales and the code was applied from the 1st July 2015. The code was republished in April 2017 when the care council changed to social care Wales. On page 7 of the social care Wales code of practice it gives the meaning of what a social worker is and it says, ‘any paid worker contributing to the delivery of social care and support’. This in brief terms means that a social worker is someone that provides individuals with care and support. There are seven key principles that are outlined on page 8 of the code of practice for social care Wales. The main two principles that relate to the roles and responsibilities of the children’s workforce in relation to look after children are, ‘promoting the well-being voice, and control of individuals while seeking to ensure that their behaviour does not harm themselves
The main way in which people tend to get in touch with CAMHS is by using their website which is available for everyone to view and there is a phone number on this website if people would prefer to speak to people from the CAMHS service over the phone. Once people have spoken to a CAMHS councillor this is when referrals tend to happen and the time of referrals to CAMHS can vary depending on where people live and what their problem is that they need support with. Phoning a CAMHS councillor is not the only way that people can get referred however, because referrals can be made by GP’s, health services, teachers and children’s services to name a few so if the young person would prefer to speak to someone that they trust i.e. a teacher they can do this and then the teacher can decide whether a referral is needed for the child/young person. Just like social workers CAMHS councillors have to stick to a code of practice to ensure that they are fulfilling their job description and to ensure that they and the people that they are working with are safe. The code of practice that CAMHS councillors have to refer to and abide by is the mental health act code of