Classical Societies Essay

Submitted By blessed38
Words: 856
Pages: 4

Classical Greece In the classical art (Golden Age) period, artwork took on different facial expressions. The sculptures were free of facial expression. The artists during this time period took advantage of a new sense of freedom of expression that was available to them. Classical art is more realistic and depicts more of the human body. In which many of the sculptures give the impression of some kind of movement. The piece of artwork I selected is “The Kritios Boy” (Figure 3.8, Benton & DiYanni pg.67 4th ed.). This piece of art is transitional between Archaic and the Classical periods. The Kiritos Boy indicates a growing anatomical understanding of bone, muscles, tendons, fat, flesh, and skin, and the way in which they work together (J. R. Benton & R. DiYanni; Arts & Culture: An introduction to the Humanities 4th ed. (2012) ). The sculpture is known as a contrapposto pose and unlike the Archaic there is no smile depicted across his face.
Hellenistic Greece During the Hellenistic period, the art was naturalistic just as it was during the classical period. However, the Hellenistic period’s artistis wanted to surpass their art into true realism. Their art work depicted both expression as well as emotion However, Classical Greek art work concerned with balance and order and idealized its subjuects, Hellenistic art focused on the individual (J.R. Benton & R. DiYanni; Arts & Culture 4th ed. 2012). The Hellenistic sculpted erotic scense and they welcomed nude poses. The piece of art work I selected from this time period is “Lacoon and His Sons”, (Fig. 3.20) sculpted by Hagesandros, Athanodoros, and Polydoros of Rhodes according to ancient sources. This is a marble copy of a Bronze sculpture which depictes the Trojan priest Laocoon and his two sons Antiphes and Thymbraeus being killed by giant snakes. This particular piece of art is considered to be on of the greatest works of Greek sculpture of the Hellenistic era.

Etruscan Civilzation The Etruscan Civilzation was part of the Iron-Age. The Etruscan thrived and produced art. Their art work was influenced by Greek art work. However, Etruscan art work showed their religious beliefs. The Etruscan used mainly terracotta and clay but, theyr were also known for their work in bronze as well. Their art work dipicted their day-to-day life, religion, celebrations, and musical instruments. Etruscan art was similar to ancient Egyptian art, which they believed helped people reach the afterlife. The sculpture I selected from this time period is the “Wife and Husband Sarcophagus”(fig.4.4) ( pg.91). The deceased couple is shown as if alive, healthy, and enjoying themselves. The rounded forms are readily achieved in malleable terra cotta, unlike hard stones ( J.R.Benton & R. DiYanni; Arts & Culture 4th ed. (2012)). To me this piece of art shows the love and affection between the wife and husband which is being depicted within the artwork.

Roman Republic The Roman Republic was ruled by the senate. The art of the Roman Republic architecture and sculpture relied on concrete. They started using concrete because its strong, it can be cast into any shape and it was far less costly than the stone material they was using. However, the Romans did not invent concrete, they just developed its potential (J.R. Benton & R. DiYanni, Arts &