Classic Airlines Marketing Concepts Essay

Submitted By mbieller
Words: 459
Pages: 2


The purpose of this paper is to examine the services that Classic Airlines offers to its customers. Like many of our businesses, Classic is no different from those in its industry that have suffered some setbacks. The reader will be able to identify some marketing concepts that will be beneficial to the company’s overall success and enable it to survive within the airline market.

Classic Airlines has seen some success despite the current economic market, but they are facing the possibility of removing some of their perks, such as the Classic Rewards Program due to declining membership among its frequent fliers. According to University of Phoenix Material Scenario (2013), “Consumer confidence also appeared to be waning. By January 2005, Classic’s declining Classic Rewards program measured a 19 percent decrease in the number of Classic Reward members and a 21 percent decrease in flights per remaining member”. Due to the fact that they face competition among other airlines, it is imperative that Classic Airlines increase the marketing budget in order to once again appeal to both there once loyal customers as well as attracting new customers. This can only be accomplished through a well thought out marketing plan and team.
Marketing managers can accomplish such information needed through a proper market research and information system. “Marketing managers often commission formal marketing studies of specific problems and opportunities, such as a market survey, a product-preference test, a sales forecast by region, or an advertising evaluation” (Kotler & Keller, 2007). Both of these concepts can assist the marketing team in deciphering how to properly gain the loyalty of its customers. For example, the researchers utilize the marketing information system (MIS) to gather the necessary information needed to find out what their competitors are doing differently to retain their customers. Market