Class Reflective Writing Up 2 Final Essay

Submitted By Gcoicou
Words: 609
Pages: 3

Nova Southeastern University
H. Wayne Huizenga School of Business & Entrepreneurship Assignment for Course:
Introductory Marketing
Submitted to:
Dena Hale, Ph.D.

Date of Submission:
Title of Assignment: Class Writing Assignment 2

CERTIFICATION OF AUTHORSHIP: I certify that I am the author of this paper and that any assistance I received in its preparation is fully acknowledged and disclosed in the paper. I have also cited any sources from which I used data, ideas or words, either quoted directly or paraphrased. I also certify that this paper was prepared by me specifically for this course.
Student's Signature:
Instructor's Grade on Assignment:
Instructor's Comments:

Read over the Hillside Case Study and complete a reflection write-up that addresses the following:
1. What portions of the case reading stood out the most to you? Explain why?
The Fact that HW-SC was able to extend their part-time job component of the program to a greater percentage of the HW-SC employment-age youth. Which allowed them to triple the program’s size and identify more than 1,000 new job slots by 2010 was amazing. This shows an example of change. Where there is a need the organization and step in and fulfill it. Issues with many organizations are that they can become complacent. In todays market you have to be able to adapt to change. This will be the key to success.
2. How does the content you read relate specifically to your Real Client?
HW-SC didn’t let the economy or any other circumstances stand in their way for growth. The Real Client can learn from this organization. Finding ways to overcome obstacles is a very important key to stay in business. I always agree with the term, “it’s not what you know it’s who you know”. Creating partnership to help our client get around gatekeepers will be a great help. Moreover, Similar to HW-SC our client can form project teams and to help complete research that will help the organization increase productivity and growth. They can look at similar companies and see what will set them apart and find ways to drive donors and admission sales.
3. How does the content relate to your current career or planned career?
I work for a company called Elite Eco System Company, which is an environmental