Makenna :
(9601279) The Sung dynasty was located on the east coast and rose up
50 years after turmoil from the T’ang dynasty. Zhao Kuangyin, a military general and later declaring himself as T’aitsu or the emperor of the Sung Dynasty, set aside military traditions and insisted to have the civilians control his provinces, government, and military. Due to T’ aistu’s changes, new printing technology increased literacy rates and the amount of schools.
As a result of increased intellectual fields, a new class grew that was well advanced in arts and innovation. Some inventions included gunpowder and the magnetic compass. The Sung also started housecare for the elderly, low interest loans and free pharmacies for the peasants, and fire stations as well as libraries in the big cities. They also introduced paper money and used it to develop their rapidly growing empire. The great empire was overruled
319 years later by Mongols and soon fell. Chin
(221206) The Chin Empire was located on the east side of China and had a large, welltrained army that emerged from King Cheng or Shi Huangdi, also known as the “First
August Emperor.” His empire was brief but filled with events such as building 2,000 miles of the Great Wall and 4,000 miles of imperial highways lined with trees. He also abolished feudalism and replaced it with a more centralized government with harsh laws and heavy taxes. Also, he introduced a standardized system of measurement with everybody following his rules. The King also burned all of the books that did not include medicine and agriculture.
After he died, his son took over for him and followed his father’s same rules. He only lasted a short time as emperor before he was overthrown by a peasant. Ethan: Zhou(
1027 – 221)
Zhou dynasty was located in Western China. Many characteristics of the Shang Dynasty were used by the Zhou. The one main difference was that the throne was passed down from father to eldest son. The Shang passed down the throne from brother to brother. As Zhou people took more land, they spreaded into former shang land and by the Yangtze River to the main deserts. Vassal capitals were the places set up as land was taken. Dukes controlled them and it was easier for the Kings. The people of the Zhou also influenced many things that would later be used. For instance, the government, education, war strategies, and agriculture. The main goals for the Zhou people was to take the most land and become the best they can be.
Yuan(12791368)> The Yuan dynasty started in the north and over time took more and more land and controlled almost all of China. Kublai Khan took control of the Yuan people after the
Mongols attacked. The Mongols started to take land of the Yuan people and many peasants
or lower class people were forced into labor by the Mongol military. Khan wanted more land so in result, Khan conquered Korea, Vietnam, Burma, and Japan twice. As the Yuan dynasty came to an end, the Black Plague took all of them out. This was the end and many stories of the people were left behind.
Casey Fell :T’ang/Ch’ing
T’ang: 618907 AD
The T’ang dynasty was located in Northern China. It was founded by a man named Li Yuan.
They used some of the ideas of the Sui dynasty, but modified them to unify their ways of life.
The second emperor of the T’ang dynasty was T’aitsung who made great improvements like expanding the empire up to 5,000 miles from its capital, Loyang. Also, he saved food and money for farmers in case of a famine. The government positions were given based on intelligence and not on wealth which resulted in smarter decisions. Some of the accomplishments in the T’ang dynasty were their creation of a type of money system. Also, there was a set of laws for society that were changed every two decades to fit the current needs. Woodblock printing and gunpowder were invented during this time. The
Europeans began to explore the East because of greater wealth, spread of Christianity, and technology. In the 1400’s Europeans had developed a taste for Chinese luxury goods. The Europeans liked the products but they hated having to pay the Muslim and Italian merchants. Their goal was to find a cheaper way to get Chinese luxury goods. Portuguese were the first to move East. Portuguese dominated the East. They were able to take control of more territory along the trade routes in Africa. They used…
point of departure” and make moves forward, “step by step [to] the progress of civilization”. Villages turn into populations, into cities, taking baby-steps towards a productive society. However, he made it clear that “it is not thus with the Chinese” (Kissinger 6). But instead, the people of China have always seemed to have been in a cycle of continuity, referring back to the dynasty's ways before them. The endurance of this fundamental approach to governance has stood the test of time,…
Chinese Dynasties Timeline Romina Chavez Xia Dynasty (2100-1600 BC) The Xia dynasty was the first dynasty in Chinese history although it has been thought of as a myth because there is no archaeological evidence of the dynasty. People lived mainly through agriculture and hunter-gathering. They made coins to buy things within their own country. At first, they believed in natural spirits such as shamans, spirits, and cremation of the dead bodies. After the 11th century, the Xia went into Lamaism…
Chapter 12 Study Questions Jeffrey Fewell 1. How did the Sui rise to power? (Remember the Chinese dynasty cycles.) After the era of division, the Sui emerged as a strong and unified force that signaled the return of a strong dynastic control. 2. What happened to the Sui Emperor Wendi? Wendi was murdered by his son Yangdi although he strengthened Wendi's foundation of political and economic unification and prosperity. 3. Explain the tension between the scholargentry and the aristocratic elites…
TANG & SONG 1. How did government affect your dynastic era? Tang Dynasty: The administration was organized into 10 political districts called “Dao” which was then later increased to 15. In each political district there were towns, villages, and families. The official system of the Tang administration involved the central official system and local official system. The central official system followed the Sui Dynasty's (581 - 618) three departments and six ministries system. The six major…
System: Who: China, foreign merchants (British) What: Foreign traders entering city were subject to a series of regulations by Chinese government Where: Southern port of Canton When: 1760 Why: Means for China to control trade with the west within its own country by focusing all trade on southern port of Canton Commissioner Lin Zexu: Who: Chinese Scholar and official of Qing Dynasty What: His forceful opposition to opium trade on economic, moral, and social grounds is considered to be the primary catalyst…
the centuries of the Tang and Song dynasties in China sometimes referred to as a “golden age”? • During this period, China reached a cultural peak, setting standards of excellence in poetry, landscape painting, and ceramics. • Particularly during the Song dynasty, there was an explosion of scholarship that gave rise to Neo- Confucianism. • Politically, the Tang and Song dynasties built a state structure that endured for a thousand years. • Tang and Song dynasty China experienced an economic revolution…
to the Chinese Art collection it was clear which piece I was supposed to be looking for. The ceramic piece of interest was sitting with a few other ceramic pieces from China. The table with food on it was called Tomb Model of a Table Filled with Offerings of Food. It was created by Dr. Gerald Shepps. The ceramic work was created in China during the Ming dynasty. The Ming dynasty dated from 1368 until 1644. The Tomb Model of a Table Filled with Offerings of Food was created because the Chinese believed…
also conducted the Chinese Census. 2-Chen kingdom fourth and last of the souther dynasties in china, destroyed by sui dynasty, empress wu founder, weak dynasty 3-Empress Wei Woman who poisoned her husband, son of Empress Wu, to try and get power but failed. 4-Empress Wu Tang ruler 690-705 C.E. in China; supported Buddhism establishment; tried to elevate Buddhism to state of religion; had multistory statues of Buddha created 5- Footbinding Practice in chinese society to mutilate women's…
ART DURING THE SONG DYNASTY The Songs ruled an empire rich in silk, jade and porcelain. They sent trading ships to India and Java and presided over a period of growth in trade and an expansion of the Chinese empire. Trade increased in the Indian Ocean partly as a response to the threat from Islamic intrusions into the area. Even so trade was not a respectable vocation and the emperor seized the property of merchants to create government monopolies. During the Song dynasty Taoism and Taoist…