Essay on Child Development

Submitted By tsa123
Words: 815
Pages: 4


0-3 Months
Children of this age can communicate with others by crying if they need or want something, or if something is wrong. They do not know right from wrong behaviour. They use fine motor skills they will also use facial expressions to show emotions. Young babies observe surroundings, may make movements to reach out, will grasp fingers and rattles.
3-6 months
At this age they are using more of their gross motor skills, like lifting their head, legs and arms. Some babies might even attempt to roll over. Babies will play alone. They are learning through their senses and physically. They master movements and are keen to repeat experiences. They will show excitement when it is time to be fed, and enjoy bath times.
6-12 months
At this stage they will be finding it easier to communicate with others. They will recognise that different sounds they make will trigger different responses. They will communicate by smiling, frowning, crying, gurgling and body language and movement. They learn to grasp an object and some learn to crawl, sit up and lie down. They will try and find an object that they have seen and then been hidden. They are starting to introduce different tastes into their diets and know what they like and dislike.

1-3 years
At this age they begin to communicate through speech by saying simple words and quickly learning new ones. They use words such as Mum, dad, car, juice yes and no. Their characters start to develop. They begin to walk and even run. They will start to recognise the difference between right and wrong. When being told ‘no’ they might show emotions of being upset and excitement if they get something they want. Their fine motor skills are improving by grabbing and holding onto toys and bottles. They also have a longer attention span. They can complete a three piece puzzle and match some colours.
3-7 years
At this age children enjoy independence but still need adults for comfort and reassurance. They may also talk about their feelings and fears. They are beginning to make friendships. By the time children reach school age, most have begun having stereotyping views on boys/girls behaviour. They can concentrate for longer periods of time. They can use most types of equipment, muscle co-ordination is now good. Balance has improved. They can hop, skip and walk along lines. They can use words to make sentences and hold conversations. They may ask a lot of questions especially ‘why’. They begin to be curious about everything and want to learn about what they have seen. Their development and imagination develops as they express themselves through play.
7-12 years The period between the ages of one to twelve is one where friendship grows and becomes longer lasting and deeper. Some may even become friends for life. Boys tend to talk less than girls. They have developed great communication skills, holding long conversations as they continue to read and write. They will be able to argue with you and make their opinions known and reason with you. Fine