age | physical | language | intellectual | social | Birth to 3 years3-55-7 main difference is at 77-9Pushy parents become an issue10-1212-1616+ | Sitting , crawling, rolling, walking, climbing, jumping, hand eye co-ordination, foot eye-co-ordination,Running, potty training, jaw movementWalking up stairs on alternate feet, skilled use of hands in activities pouring drinks, using scissorsKick a ball,Writing/ fine motor skillsEnjoy climbing treesThrow, bounce ball, build tower of bricks.Drawing and writing more neatly., child can balanceIncrease muscle co-ordinationChild can catch a ball 1m in one hand.Drawing and writing neaterCutting is accurateIncrease stamina swimming, gymnastic etc., joins in activities.Boy have wet dream puberty startBody proportions similar to adultGrowth differentiatesPuberty completesBody changes stabilise | Basic language, gurgling, cooing, babbling, general sound, crying to express a need,Speech easily understood, child ask questions, enjoy talking, child can decode familiar words, understand past/present/future., can say name more accurately pronunciation.Telling jokesVerbal arguments,Chatting, negotiations, use of voice different situations.Reading booksEnjoy challenge of new materialNew maths concept add and subtractingReading progress but at different rate and Established writing styles, joined up lettersTackle detailsUse of slang wordsMore reasoningconfrontation | Counting approx. 1-20, alphabet, Recognise familiar faces, understand yes and no, colours, recognise music, recognise characters from tv show, know the book completelyInterested in art, painting, book, concentrate if activity catches their attention, simple calculation, enjoy music, playing instrument.Can read silentlyMore detail in house window and curtain and chimney.Reading out loud and progress in readingChildren progress differentiates possibly permanently.CuriousAbout drugs and drinkSpecial talent in writing, music mathsExpress ideas, idea about career pathMature and large responsibility | Smile at parents+ family, favourite person selected and have favourite toy/blanketInterested in other children/co-operative play, squabbles, respond to adults friendship preferences. Sense of humour. Gender role known.Stable friendship, activity preferencesChild hide feelings and control them, take responsibility ,Self-concept developShowing increasing ability of needs and opinion of others can describe own feeling self-conscious.Opposite sexRebellingrelationshipstability and can understand emotionsIndependence is craved. | 1.1The table above show the rate of each area of development as the age of the child is included. They show the sequence of development if they are read in order. In the sequence of development some age stage don’t have a lot of changes just the change of more confident or secure grasp of development
1.2 Sequence of development means the order the child or person develop at For example baby’s sequence of development would be they have to learn to lift their head before they can learn to sit down. Rate of development is the speed of development a child develops at For example a baby at 10 months may start walking but another baby may start walking at 1 yr. Each child is unique with their rate of development but they should progress through the same progression of sequences of development. As practitioner it is important to look at their sequence of development in order to plan for them but it is also as equally important to look at their rate of development because sometimes they could have additional needs.
2.1 Explain how children and young people’s development is influenced by a range of personal factors
2.1 Aspergers Syndrome A child with Aspergers syndrome is in the middle of the spectrum, one end is normal then Asperger and then Autism on the other end of the spectrum. Aspergers syndrome children cannot socialise properly so they cannot or they socialise