The history of quality management, from mere
'inspection' to Total Quality Management, and its modern 'branded interpretations such as
'Six Sigma', has led to the development of essential processes, ideas, theories and tools that are central to organizational development, change management, and the performance improvements that are generally desired for individuals, teams and organizations.
Management may be defined as the achievement of organizational goals in an effective and efficient manner through:
Leading, and
Controlling Organizational resources.
Defining the goals of the organization
Distribution the tasks
Use the resources needed to attain them. Organizing
Assignment of tasks
Grouping of tasks into departments
Allocation of resources to department
Motivate Staff to achieve the organizational goals.
Create shared cultures & values between staff Communicating goals to staff & employees Creating the environment of the employees to perform high level.
Monitoring employees activities
Determine whether the organization on target goals making appropriate corrections if necessary
Empowerment and trust of employees….
Less emphasis on top-down control & more on training employees to monitor correct themselves
Evolution history of QM
Characteristics of different stages
The historical evolution of Total quality management has taken place in four stages. The can be categorized as follows: Quality Inspection
Quality Control
Quality assurance
Total quality management
Quality Inspection
Quality has been evident in human activities for as long as we can remember. However the first stage on this development can be seen in the
1910s when the Ford Motor Company’s
‘T’ Model car rolled off the production line. Quality Control
Second stage of QM development and quality was controlled through supervised skills, written specification, measurement and standardization. During the Second
World War, manufacturing systems became complex and the quality began to be verified by inspections rather than the workers themselves. Statistical quality control by inspection –the post production effort to separate the good product from the bad product- was then developed
Quality Assurance
quality assurance contains all the previous stages in order to provide sufficient confidence that a product or service will satisfy customers’ needs.
Total Quality Management
Total Quality Management involves the understanding and implementation of quality management principles and concepts in every aspect of business activities. Total Quality Management demands that the principles of quality management must be applied at every level, every stage and in every department of the organization.
Classic Principles of QM
A quality management principle is a comprehensive and fundamental rule / belief, for leading and operating an organization, aimed at continually improving performance over the long term by focusing on customers while addressing the needs of all other stake holders". The eight principles are..
Customer Focused Organisation
"Organisations depend on their
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