Chapter 24: 1920 Essay examples

Submitted By Royjames101
Words: 1918
Pages: 8

Honors United States History

3A Chapter 24: The 1920
1. After reading the introduction on page 717, list characteristics of the modernists and traditionalists. (5 each) Modernists

• Running headlong into the future
• Decade of fun rather than reform
• Good times rather than high ideals
• Modern – home, marriage, women, technology
• Science better guide to life than religion
• Various life styles
• Sex for fun for both partners not just for procreation
• Minorities need equality? Traditionalists

• Return to familiar past
• God’s rules not science – bible as a moral code, religious fundamentalists
• Women not equal to men
• WASPs superior to blacks, Mexicans, and eastern Europeans
• Ku Klux Klan
• Anti-evolution
• Anti-immigrants 2. How was economic prosperity aided by World War I?
• American industries had emerged intact, even strengthened, from war. Allies war needs created an insatiable demand for American goods and capitals. Corporate America had responded by raising productivity and efficiency to new heights through advances in technology and management. 3. Give specific examples that reflected the vigorous productive economy of the 1920s.
• Examples that reflected the vigorous productive economy of the 1920s are from 1922 to 1929, the GNP grew at an annual rate of 5.5% rising from $149 billion to $227 billion, the unemployment rate never exceeded 5% and real wages rose about 15% 4. In the 19th century economic growth rested primarily on the production of factory machinery and railroads. How does this change in the 1920s?

• In the 1920s, economic growth rested more on consumer goods such as cars and telephones rather than the production of factory machinery and railroads.

5. List some of the popular consumer goods of the time. (10)
• Cars
• Telephone
• Tractors
• Washing Machines
• Electric Irons
• Radios
• Vacuum cleaners
• Portola
• Vitamins "Fruits and Vegetables"
• Long Distance Refrigerated foods and packaging

6.What is meant by the term “people’s capital?”
• "People's capital" is the term in which virtually all Americans could participate and own a piece of corporate America and have a share of luxuries and amenities.

7.Define consumer credit and the installment plan.
What percent of the all purchases of radios and cars were made using credit?

• Consumer credit and the installment plan is are offers from salesmen and merchants that enable consumers to purchase a product by making a down payment and promising to pay the rest in installments. 15 percent of all purchases—including 60 percent of all cars and 75 percent of all radios— were made on installment plans.

8. Read page 720 - The Rise of Advertising and Mass Marketing. Bullet 10 ideas that highlighted the changing role of advertising.

• annual model change
•appeal to consumers desires •self improvement
•personal pleasure
•new identity
•Pleasing others
•bright colors
•to escape anonymity

9. What was meant by husbands and wives as full partners in the pursuit of happiness?

Man and women are not only husband and wife, they best friends and should do everything together. 10. Flappers The Flappers of the 1920s set out to break informal rules governing women lives. They donned short dresses, rolled stockings down, wore red lipstick, and smoked in public. They signed their desires for independence and equality.

11. What was the age of celebrity and what caused it to arise? .
Give (5) examples of celebrities of the 1920s include what made them famous.

Mass marketers began to understand that big sums of money could be made by studying mega events so that people would be talking them and buy things such as newspapers and tickets.
•Babe Ruth-New York Yankees baseball
•Jack Dempsey- ring fighting
•Charles Chaplin- comedian
•Rudolph Valentino- sexual comedian
•Charles a. Lindbergh -piloting

12. What did