History: History of the United States and Booker T . Washington Essay

Submitted By nobuakies
Words: 700
Pages: 3

Chapter 21
1. In elections, a candidate who receives a plurality wins more votes than other candidate but less than haft of all votes cast.
2. Populism is a political outlook that supports the right and power of commons people.
3. The panic of 1893 was caused by the economic changes of the period.
4. The major issue of the election of 1896 was currency
5. Imperialism is an acquisition of control over government & the economy of other nation, usually by conquest.
6. Navalism is the theory of warfare and trade that rely on a nation’s navy as a principal instrument of policy.
7. Yellow journalism is a brand of newspaper reporting that stresses excitement and shock over even handedness and dull fact.
8. Grover Cleveland was the president of the United States during the depression of 1893.
9. The Sherman Antitrust Act was vague and at the mercy of the courts.
10. James Garfield was the president that was assassinated in the office 1881.
11. The Woman’s Christian temperance Union organization formed in 1874 and were opponents of alcohol.
12. Booker T. Washington believed that self-help was the best plan for African American.
13. Web Dubois believed educational advancement was the key to success.
Chapter 22
1. Pragmatism was a philosophical movement that stressed the visible real world results of ideas.
2. Behaviorism is a school of psychology that measured human behavior and believed that it can be shaped.
3. The 19th amendment gave women the right to vote.
4. The areas that was reserved for prostitutes was called red light district.
5. Interstate commerce commission was concerned with trade in goods that crossed that state line.
6. The Supreme Course case that severely crippled the Sherman Antitrust Act was US vs E.C Knight.
7. “Watered” stock is stock issued in excess of the assets of a company.
8. The triangle shirtwaist fire force state and national attention on working conditions in factories and stores.
9. The 16th amendment authorized an income tax
10. The 17th amendment called for the direct election of senators.
11. The 18th amendment provide for the prohibition.
Chapter 23
1. The Hay Bunau Varilla Treaty gave the US control of the Panama Canal Zone.
2. In 1912, Teddy Roosevelt was the candidate of the Bull Moose Party.
3. The leader of Mexican forces that raided American’s borders was Pancho villa.
4. The most domestic law of Woodrow Wilson’s Admiration was the Federal Reserve Act.
5. President Wilson’s initial reaction to the outbreak of war in Europe 1914 was to Neutrality.
6. The German sinking of the Lusitania enraged American public and killed 128 Americans.
7. The American Expeditionary Force was primary made up of draftees due to Selective Service Act.
8. A Bureaucratic State is a government runs by administrative bureaus, or departments and staffed by nonelected officials.
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