Cfa: Financial Statement Analysis Essay

Submitted By zhizhi2015
Words: 3406
Pages: 14

每周一至周五能抽出2到3个小时学习, 周末能抽出3到5个小时学习,
一、前6个星期,即8月16日至9月26日。我们要求考生按照复习计划的每周任务安排,逐渐完成对notes的第一遍学习,并完成notes后面每个session的练习题,第6本模拟题先不要做。Notes的学习主要依据2010年6月CFA 考试大纲而来,大家可参考公布的大纲。
CFA Level 1到底要准备多久,的确是因人而异的。有没有基础,工作经验是否相关,每周能拿出多少个小时,都是重要的因素。正确衡量自己的水平,制定合理的复习计划,并且及时调整,是通过考试的关键所在。

另外,关于考试重点。Ethics要求最高,此项要是没过,则此次考试就没过。所以说Ethics部分要看3遍以上,重在理解和运用。接下来最重要的就是FSA(financial statement analysis),单场考试里,120题中有34题是FSA,其中LIFO、FIFO更是必考的重点。FSA是CFA Level 1的关键,如果这个部分不上70%,通过的机会将会十分渺茫。所以如果精力和时间有限,建议从这部分开始看。先前没有会计基础的考生,建议在这个部分花大功夫。其他剩下的部分考点相对来说不是那么多,但是也很重要,大家循序渐进一步步学习,再做题巩固,考试应该就没有问题了。另外,CFA考试有指定的计算器, 需要花些时间学习掌握该计算器的使用技巧。 第一级考试中,计算题占40%左右,因此熟练地使用计算器尤为关键。
第一阶段 8月16日 —— 9月26日 第1周复习计划 8月16日周一
Reading 1: Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct 道德与职业行为准则
Reading 2: Guidance for Standards I–VII 职业行为准则I–VII指导
CFA LEVEL 1教材梳理一下Reading 1的重要知识点。按教材要求,CFA LEVEL 1考生对Reading 1要掌握:
a. describe the structure of the CFA Institute Professional Conduct Program and the process for the enforcement of the Code and Standards;
b. state the six components of the Code of Ethics and the seven Standards of Professional Conduct;
c. explain the ethical responsibilities required by the Code and Standards, including the multiple sub-sections of each Standard.
具体分解一下。上述a点关于Professional Conduct Program的回答为: All members and candidates must apply with the Code and Standards. The CFA Institute Board of Governors oversees the Professional Conduct Program through a Disciplinary Review Committee.
Professional Conduct staff conduct professional conduct inquiries. The following can bring about an investigation:
1. self-disclosure on annual conduct statements
2. written complaints
3. media reports of wrongdoing
4. exam proctors can submit a violation report
Rules of Procedure are based on two primary principals: 1. Fair process to the member and candidate 2. Confidentiality of proceedings
A CFA Institute Designated Officer reviews the material obtained by Professional Conduct staff in the investigation and may 1. conclude there is no disciplinary sanction
2. issue a cautionary letter
3. continue proceeding to discipline the member or candidate. The member or candidate may accept or reject the proposed sanction. If he rejects it, the case is referred to a panel of CFA Institute members. Violators may be suspended from the CFA program. b点所指的Code of Ethics6个组成部分为: Members and Candidates must:
1. Act with integrity, competence, diligence, respect, and in an ethical manner with the public, clients, prospective clients, employers, employees, colleagues in the investment profession, and other participants in the global capital markets.
2. Place the integrity of the investment profession and the interests of clients above their own personal interests.
3. Use reasonable care and exercise independent professional judgement when conducting investment analysis, making investment recommendations, taking investment actions, and engaging in other professional activities.
4. Practice and encourage others to practice in a professional and ethical manner that will reflect