Week 1 Clip 1 Scenario: Julian, the President of the Hudson Valley Business Association, places a phone call to Liz to inform her she has been nominate the Regions Business Leader of the Year and that she will be expected to deliver a speech at the next Association meeting about the "How and why of CanGo's success". During the conversation Julian goes on to describe Cango as the "Fastest Growing Company in the Hudson Valley" and as a "Success Story." Liz is obviously flattered and elated by this news and it becomes apparent how much this company and its success means to her and the fact that somebody has recognized all the effort that has been put into building this company. Following this interchange we see Liz working on her Andrew seems to be bogged down by the legitimate questions of his team; he explains that he plans to train CanGo's existing staff to take on the added tasks and responsibilities associated with online gaming. A female employee questions whether the cost of this plan may be prohibitive and perhaps the whole project should be outsourced. In response to this question Andrew sighs audibly there is a hint of exasperation in his tone as he kneels in the employees space and says "I know this may be a hard concept for you, but we are talking about fun, do you remember fun?" Perhaps sensing the sarcasm and a bit of tension, Liz interrupts the meeting and says they will reconvene when a preliminary market analysis is completed. Following the meeting, two employees who were present start discussing their concerns. Covering topics such as the lack of research, planning, knowledge, financial feasibility, but most obvious is a concern about planning. Analysis: The meeting introducing this project left a lot to be desired. There was no planning or research completed prior to the introduction, or if it was completed nothing was introduced to back up the idea. There was a lot of passion and motivational energy in the meeting which is always a plus when introducing massive change, but if this isn't backed up with solid facts you run the
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CanGo Video Analysis- Week 2 The Innovative A’s Consulting Group is glad to run our analysis on your company’s operational process. Your company has done tremendous progress and indeed it is a recommendable success as it started out small and grew to be one of the leading businesses in the industry. In our analysis over the past two weeks, we observed that, if planned well, CanGo has a promising future ahead. Our team came up with certain issues being faced by your company, which we assume, if…
CanGo is a fast growing Internet business that retails variety of products and services, ranging from books, music, and services. They are now in the process of implementing the online gaming systems to their company. When Liz, the CEO of the company, was invited to speak at the local Hudson Chamber of Commerce meeting to discuss her strategic management process that contributed to the success of CanGo, she realized that the strategic planning process of her company was haphazard and emergent. Its…
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WEEK 3 & 4 VIDEO ANALYSIS ASPIRE BUSINESS CONSULTANTS March 23, 2012 CanGo is looking at becoming more productive within their specific demographic. Before doing so they have to make the appropriate actions to encourage the customers to follow through with their orders and expanding to different demographics. Aspire Business Consultants has become aware of six key issues with recommendations that will help provide a solid foundation for future endeavors. These issues cover a range…
CanGo Company CanGo Company Issues A comprehensive assessment was conducted for the CanGo Company, and the objective was to unearth the causation factors for their operational issues. In the initial phase of the evaluation, it was quite evident that the root cause of their difficulties was a direct consequence of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) whose ambition for the company was distorted. Consequently, their mission and vision was not clearly defined, which shaped a company’s culture of organized…