Caesar: Contents Julius Caesar Essay

Submitted By isabelpoules
Words: 1128
Pages: 5

Table of Contents
Julius Caesar – General, Dictator (100 B.C.E – 44 B.C.E) 1
Quick Facts 1
Synopsis 1
Caesers Leadership 2
Power & Respect 2
Strength & Weaknesses 2
Caesars impact then & now 3
In Conclusion 3

Julius Caesar – General, Dictator (100 B.C.E – 44 B.C.E)
Roman general and statesman Julius Caesar turned the Roman Republic into the powerful Roman Empire. A rebellion ended his reign, and his life, on the Ides of March.
Quick Facts
Birthdate: July 12, 100 B.C
Death: March 14, 44 B.C
Place of Birth: Rome, Italy
Place of Death: Rome, Italy
Full Name: Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus Augustus
Julius Caesar’s birth c. July 12 or 13, 100 B.C., marked the beginning of a new chapter in Roman history. By 31, Caesar had fought in several wars and had become involved in Roman politics. After several alliances, he became dictator of the Roman Empire. This lead to a senatorial revolution, and Caesar’s ultimate assassination, on the Ides of March.
Julius Caesar significantly transformed what became known as Roman Empire, by expanding its geographic reach and creating its imperial system.
By the end of 48 B.C., Caesar had pushed his enemies out of Italy and pursued Pompey into Egypt, where he was eventually killed. There, Caesar aligned himself with Cleopatra, with whom he had a son with, Caesarion.
Upon his return to Rome, Caesar was made dictator for life and hailed as the Father of his Country. For Caesar and his countrymen, his rule proved significant in improving Rome.

Caesers Leadership
These days we know exactly what we want in a leader. They have to share our ideas, be determined, and have people like us in mind no matter what they do. If they do not possess these qualities, we do not elect them. This was not the case thousands of years ago. You had a leader and you did what they said. In many cases they didn’t care about the people. They didn’t care about you. Then came a man called Julius Caesar. He was noticeably different and he didn’t just have himself in mind. Julius Caesar revolutionized leadership to the point that he is a hero because he gained his nation power and authority, he made laws and policies fair, and he brought his people happiness and prosperity. His policies and actions were unprecedented in his time. This made him stand out as a true leader, and the best one the world had ever known.
When it comes to nations, power is everything. If nobody respects your nation you are practically not a nation at all. Now every leader knows this, but it is hard to achieve respect and authority. As Caesar rose in the ranks of the Roman government he knew that to prove himself he had to prove his nation. With his army, he conquered Gallic tribes one after another. James Barker said, “Gual was Caesar’s proving ground as an extremely talented general, far superior to either Pompey or Crassus.” During these battles with one of Rome’s enemies he often fought on foot with his soldiers, earning their respect. Throughout his life he captured more land and expanded Rome’s empire. He then gave the land to his veterans to farm, providing food for Rome. He constantly outsmarted and defeated his enemies, earning his reputation as a powerful general. But even the best fighters must know when to hold back. Caesar made Egypt his ally by solving some of their “internal” problems, causing more power for Rome. Julius Caesar's leadership led to many doors being opened for Rome.
Generalship - Caesar was one of the best Roman generals of the late Republic, inspiring loyalty and determination in his men to the effect that with a starting force of only one legion he drove Pompey and the Senate from Italy, and defeated them with a far inferior force to win the civil war,
Political Ability - aside from the entire dictator for life episode, which Plutarch largely blames Marc Antony for, Caesar rose rapidly through the Cursus Honorum, the political ranks, at a