Midterm 3 History Essay

Words: 8027
Pages: 33

There were 3 questions that I did not have the answer to. I’ve highlighted them in yellow. I apologize for the formatting, but the copy and paste job from Microsoft Word kinda screwed up. Feel free to format to your hearts content. Cheers!

CC 302/CTI 310: Midterm Exam Short Answer Questions
· What was the position of the tribunes on the escalating conflict between Caesar, Pompey and the senate? What was Cicero’s position? o The tribunes were advocating for compromise with Caesar by offering him legal protection and military power. o Cicero was supporting the senate and Pompey and was in Rome stirring up trouble for the first Triumvirate by speaking out of ending Caesar’s Gallic command to prosecute him for his injustices

o Caesar was disrespectful to the Senate after his return to Rome in 45 and saw them as a useless institution. o He diluted the senatorial body by adding another 300 members (600 – 900) that included provincials from Spain and Gaul, which increased senatorial competition. o The Senate responded by issuing Caesar numerous honors, which he accepted:
§ Caesar’s image portrayed on coins
§ Worshipped as a living God
§ Granted the title of “Rex” (King)
§ Granted annual dictatorships o Their motive for doing so was to paint Caesar as a power-hungry tyrant to the Roman people to instigate a revolution/rebellion. Also wanted to show that the Republic had no formal power, Caesar was acting as a Monarch.
· What was nomination? How did Caesar use it? Potential problems? o Nomination was the process by which candidates are appointed to office rather than elected. o Caesar used nomination to appoint his preferred loyal candidates to office so he could control government. o The problem with nomination is that he undermined the effective voice of the people and changed the system of governance from a Republic to a monarchy.
· What change did Caesar make to grain distribution? Contrast to Sulla? To Pompey? o Caesar limited, but did not end the grain distribution. o Sulla abolished the grain distribution/subsidy