Business Policy and Strategic Management Essay

Words: 2543
Pages: 11

BBUS 470: Business Policy and Strategic Management
Autumn 2006

Dr. Kevin Laverty Kristen Spangler, MBA
Office: UWB2-325
Phone: 425.352.5338 Email:
Office: UWB1-380
Phone: 425.352.3664
Office Hours:
TU & TH Noon.-1pm
TU & TH 8-9 pm (by appointment only)
Or by appointment Office Hours:
TU & TH 9:30am-1pm
TU & TH 3:30pm-5:30pm
Or by appointment

Text: Hitt, Ireland and Hoskisson, Strategic Management, 7th edition
Case Packet: Available at the Bookstore


In this course we will learn about a firm’s business policy – from how it chooses strategies to achieve its objectives. In particular, we will work to

 Get to know the “key elements” of the company—web site, printed materials, office, site, product, etc.
 Complete and sign a Consulting Agreement (template will be provided). The Consulting Agreement outlines key deliverables, dates, and responsibilities. The elements of the final project (below) are designed to be general enough to fit all of the companies. Issues pertaining to specific companies (i.e. market entry, distribution partnerships, product line expansion, etc.) will be addressed in the final paper by focusing on strategic tactics related to that particular issue.
 Identify any additional pieces of information that the team needs from the company before the next meeting.
 Schedule the next meeting (or two).

Beginning with this meeting, students should log project hours on a time log (template will be provided).

Subsequent meetings should be scheduled based on the needs of the students and company. Sometimes email or phone may be sufficient. Kristen will attend at least two student meetings with each client.

Paper/Presentation 1: Industry and Segment Definition
The first paper and presentation require an application of the concepts presented in lectures during the first weeks of class. The paper should be 8-10 pages, double-spaced, exclusive of exhibits and references. The information required to write the paper will come from a combination of research (journals, industry