My business is called Mixmaster and it is a business requiring DJ-ing. I chose this business simply because I think everyone loves music and everyone listens to music in their everyday lives. I think music brings everyone together and bonds people together. I picked this business because I have big passion of music and I feel it’s a creative aspect of life as many songs have great messages that deliver to people. Music has been in this world for a very long time and it is a popular subject that everyone enjoys. What I will bring to the business is a variety of different kind of music that people will enjoy and have a good time with. I will bring good deals and packages that will satisfy the customer who hires me and will make sure their money is well spent. Music has many advantages as there are many types of music. Such as traditional e.g Indian music, R&B and hip-hop, rock and house music. These are all the music types that I can do as a DJ and I think this business will be successful as a variety of people listening to different types of music and I can host loads of events such as weddings, house parties, clubs, hall parties, engagements traditional weddings, carnivals, festivals and fun fairs.
I chose these locations as I am very familiar with these locations and I have been around the areas so I know them well.
This is the kind of idea of a DJ setup that I am going with. I think that this is comes in a reasonable
that brainstorming is key to develop new business ideas. There are many different strategies to increase stimulation within a group. The idea is to create a situation where anything is possible, imagine that all the laws of nature don’t apply, and one far-out crazy idea might lead you to developing a realistic idea that can work in the business world. High arousal will create creativity in the group and will motivate people to share ideas and build off of ideas too. 1) The Market Bar For people…
Business Idea Competition Criteria • The overall feasibility and persuasiveness of the idea • Potential for growth or overall societal benefit • Clarity and development of the idea • Feasibility of building and sustaining a competitive advantage 1. Idea Title: (10 Words) The idea title and the author name(s) are the only information that will be made public by the Institute if the entry is a semifinalist or finalist. The title and authors will be listed on the web site and on the event program…
Eric Daugherty My business idea is a home remodeling company that purchases homes that are cheaper than market value, remodeling them to meet current market trends and expectations. My business idea includes many different types of operations. First, and most important, this company would need to have employees who are well aware of current housing market trends and how to obtain affordable properties in order to “flip” them and create revenue. The company will begin with few employees. I would…
Small Business Idea Paper Jen Introduction This week’s assignment is all about small businesses which to discuss the forms of business organizations. Also, the intent of this paper is to discuss the accounting structure for the lending process along with all the legal documentation. The intent of the paper will also discuss starting up a small business which will be a spa and massage parlor on St. Simons Island, Ga. while also evaluating the pros and cons of the four…
Small Business Idea The small business idea of interest is a Montessori school that will provide a Montessori experience to inner city children at an affordable price. Maria Montessori was the creator of the Montessori Method over a hundred years ago. As stated by in the article, Montessori School Celebrates 30 Years, “she began working with underprivileged children in the slums. Soon, these children began scoring higher in standardized testing than average children” (Lockhead, 2010…
Sm Small Business Idea Paper Gabrielle M Profit ACC/561 May 8, 2013 James Carlin University of Phoenix Small Business Idea Paper The choice of a business structure when starting a business is vital. Each structure holds features of that businesses design. With innumerable changes in the economic environment requirements of business owners include choosing an optimum structure for their start-up as well as continually reassessing their…
10 Steps From Idea to Business Some of the most important things in life don't come with instruction manuals: homes, spouses, kids, and start-ups are a few. That's why I created this start-up road map. Inspired by the lean approach often favored by today's tech entrepreneurs, the principles apply to any industry. 1. Come up with an idea. Pick an idea that fits your passions, goals, strengths, resources, and tolerance for risk. But keep in mind that your initial idea is just a hypothesis. Don't…
Introducing new ideas to a business committee is an extremely arduous task. Commonly, the executives appear unapproachable, using flat expression and intense reactions. When proposing the idea of an interoffice coffee shop, unfavorable reflection is often expected. The committee may challenge the effectiveness of locating a café so near to the employees. They may fear a decline in productivity (i.e. increased time in the café generates decreased time in office). The committee may request documentation…
uncertain event or condition that, if occurs, has a positive or negative effect on a business (Marchewka; 2006). In business it is imperative to continuously monitoring risk as the environment is constantly changing. According to Cadle and Yeates (2008) the identification of risk will help a business to plan, prioritize and formulate responses to those risks that provide the greatest threat or opportunity for the business. Businesses must acknowledge that risk can be both internal and external while developing…
How to Get Prepared and Start My Own Business . All of us have a lot of ideas about the things that we think about; most of the time we do not even recognize how millions of ideas got through our brains. Even now, when I typed this sentence, it took a while for me to come up with an idea and put it into words, so that all the readers get exactly what I want them to understand after reading my writing. We use our ideas everywhere, since it is something that lets us process and understand the information…