Essay about Business and the Law

Submitted By miz_mel
Words: 755
Pages: 4

LEGT1710: Assignment One
Semester 2, 2010

Part One
a. Complete the UNSW Study Skills Tutorial – ELISE.
Navigate to the UNSW library home page (, and select ELISE 2010 from the right-hand column. Pay special attention to the last slide of module 2 and modules 3, 4, 5 and 6.
NOTE: As a UNSW student, it is your responsibility to be familiar with all topics covered by the ELISE tutorial. This includes correct academic citation and avoiding plagiarism. Ignorance of these university policies will never be an acceptable excuse.

b. Read the University of New South Wales Library’s Law and Legal Research Subject Guides.
Navigate to the library homepage. Under ‘Support’, select ‘subject guides’. Navigate through the Law and Legal Research subject guides.
All of the information and databases necessary to complete this assignment correctly can be found here.

c. Access the Australian Guide to Legal Citation.
This can be accessed via the library’s Law and Legal research subject guides, or directly at:
The AGLC provides the correct and only acceptable legal citation format for this assignment. Remember, correct citation must be exact. This includes correct use of italics, punctuation, spaces and capitals, and incorrect use citation will result in lost marks.

Part Two
a. Complete the following questions independently and submit them to your tutor on a single, typed A4 page at the beginning of your tutorial in week 5.
b. Failure to follow instructions or use correct citation will result in lost marks.
c. Cases of plagiarism or collusion (students working together, even though they submit separate assignments) will receive an automatic fail and students may face academic misconduct proceedings that are recorded permanently on your university record and transcripts.

A. Australian Secondary Sources

Access Halsbury’s Laws of Australia via the UNSW Library website and navigate to the section on torts (it may be easier to browse alphabetically, than to use the search tool). Give its section number.

Navigate to paragraph -5 of that section. Give its title and first sentence.
(A) Interference with Contractual Relations
The paragraph below is current to 12 February 2007
[415-1550] Interference with the performance of a contract The tort of interference with contractual relations is committed where a person knowingly and intentionally interferes1 with contractual relations or the contractual rights of the complainant, thereby causing damage to that person,2 where there is no sufficient justification for that interference.3

Using the UNSW Library’s Search First tool, locate the most recent book on tort law published by Law Book Co. Give its full citation. (Correct citation procedure is found on page 89 of the AGLC.)
Bernadette Richards, Karinne Ludlow, Andy Gibson Tort Law: in principle (Lawbook co. 5th Ed, 2009)

Give its call number.
Identifier: ISBN9780455225746 (pbk.)

Use Search First or Sirius to find a