html head style typetext/css html, body font-family Open Sans, Arial font-size 11pt line-height 16pt @page size auto margin 25mm 25mm 25mm 25mm width 2em height 10px display inline-block h1 font-weight 400 padding 0px margin 0 0 30px 0 h4 font-weight 400 font-style italic padding 0 0 15px 0 margin 0 0 30px 0 border-bottom 1px solid black /style /head meta http-equivContent-Type contenttext/html charsetutf-8 body h1business/h1 h4By san_salomao Assessment 2. br /
Part A - Case Studybr / span classtab/spanYou have recently taken ownership of a small convenience store. You decide to do a hazard identification walk. This is a report that you produce ldquoUpon entering the store I noticed small pools of water left by customers shaking their umbrellas, and taking off their coats. There are still a lot of boxes of stock left in the aisles. Some are over 15 kilograms in weight. The work areas around the cash registers look very aged, with cardboard being used underneath one of the staffrsquos chairs so it remains balanced. Behind the cash registers cables to the computers are laid out on the floor. The electrical socket that is used for the printer / fax and the EFTPOS machine appears to have become loose. One of the staff members smells of alcohol, and appears to be under the influence of another substancebr / br /
1. A hazard identification template has been provided for your answer. From the above report complete the template. span classtab/spanspan classtab/spanspan classtab/spanspan classtab/spanspan classtab/spanspan classtab/span(25 marks)br / br /
Hazardbr /
Possible Harmful Effectsbr /
Risk Factor-br /
High, Medium, Lowbr /
Possible Employer Action to Prevent Accidentbr /
Slippery Floorbr /
People slipping overbr /
Mediumbr /
Provide floor matsbr /
Put up warning signbr /
Boxes all aroundbr /
Obstruction of peopleacutes pathbr /
Mediumbr /
Manage the place to fit all the boxes according to the needs. Remove from the way Chair without balancebr /
Staff might fall overbr /
Mediumbr /
Change the chair to a new onebr /
Cables laid on the floorbr /
People getting stuck br /
Mediumbr /
Hide them from peopleacutes waybr /
Electrical socket losebr /
High voltagebr /
Highbr /
Change to a new onebr /
Staff under alcohol influencebr /
Behaviour might change / can be aggressivebr /
Highbr /
Do not allow people drinking before working hourbr / br / span classtab/span2. Of the hazards you have identified, choose one that would force you to make wholesale changes to eliminate. span classtab/spanspan classtab/spanspan classtab/spanspan classtab/spanspan classtab/span span classtab/spanspan classtab/span(1 mark) Staff under alcohol influence. This sort of behaviour is not accepted and must be totally controlled in order to guarantee that the staff team is sober and have total control of what is being said or negotiated. Plus, the consumption of alcohol during working hours is illegal and can result into a very serious problem with the government or business license. a) How will you ensure that new hazards are not created by the proposed changes, and existing hazards are controlled span classtab/spanspan classtab/spanspan classtab/spanspan classtab/spanspan classtab/spanspan classtab/span(2 marks) It will be guaranteed that controlling procedures are being made and also e staff members will be prepared to identify and possible hazards that can appear. Through procedures and monitoring tasks, it will be possible to analyse if new hazards are being created and how effectively the pro-active procedures are being taken. 3. Do you feel there are inadequacies in hazard identification with the above process Why span classtab/spanspan classtab/spanspan classtab/spanspan classtab/spanspan classtab/spanspan classtab/spanspan classtab/spanspan classtab/spanspan
Day of week date source link observations Monday 14-07-2014 NYT Ernst & Young to Pay Fine in Lobbying Case E&A held responsible for collapse of LB, today the blame is not as powerful as it used to be but is still talked about 6 years later Monday 21-07-2014 EY…
How Political Factors Affect Business Activities in Asian Countries . Contents . 1. Introduction………………………………………………………………………..……..3 2. Political Factors That Affect Business………………………………………...4 1) The Case of Toyota Motor Corporation………………….….……..5 2) The Case of Taiwan………………………………..…………….…….…….8 3. Conclusion…………………………………………………………..…………………..…9 4. References……………………………………………………………………………..….10 Introduction For every business, internal factors, such as the company’s culture…
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help in calculating VAT. Lastly, company performance analysis. It has tools for measuring performance analysis on current activities. Reports can be customised and exported according to individual preferences, leading to more efficiency in making business decisions (profit and loss, balance sheet). Quick File is designed for small and medium enterprises (SEMs) such as a sole trader, partnership company and non profit charity organizations. It provided a systematic and easy to use system which is…
main principles in the use of social media planning is the rule of thirds. This principle suggests that in order to manage an effective social media account (in this case, for a business) it is useful to ensure that one third of all of your posts includes: 1/3 are Product posts: These posts are used to promote the business. 1/3 are Fluff posts: These are quirky and fun posts which could be stories but could also be based on personal interaction, used to interact with Facebook fans and build or express…
data collected over 28 weeks for 27 periods, the ASX200 is used as a benchmarking proxy to evaluate the performances and trends on these three stocks. The 28-week historical stock price data is collected through the periods of 3rd February 2014 to 11th August 2014. The appendices display the calculations and historical data analysed throughout the report. Part 1 Part 1(a) The discrete rate of return and the continuously compounded rate of return are two ways to calculate the returns on the three industry…
2014 The changing prospect of Regional 4 December Trade Agreements and Multilateral Trade Liberalisation Jeroen Achterberg L o n d o n S o u t h B a n k U n i v e r s i t y Jeroen Achterberg Student number: 3323695 The changing prospect of Regional Trade Agreements and Multilateral Trade Liberalisation…
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Steady Gains, but Stagnant Wages Temper Optimism Author of Article Reviewed: Patricia Cohen Full APA citation of article reviewed (to include hyperlink): Cohen, Patricia. (2014). Jobs Data Show Steady Gains, but Stagnant Wages Temper Optimism. N.Y. Times. Economic Point 1 List economic point 1 from article reviewed: The economy may be growing, but not enough for workers to feel…
its industry, including the ?Grand Champion Award? with ?In the Pink? at Garden Week 2010. Menora, Perth, Australia, November 07, 2014 /PressReleasePing/ - Empire Lane Landscape Design Perth has announced the launch of its newly developed website, including an extensive project gallery, social media integration, and other new features. Perth, Australia – -October 14, 2014-10-14 Empire Lane, a leading landscape design company in Perth, has launched a new website that uses thelatest content management…