Bronfenbrenner Analysis

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Bronfenbrenner Analysis Name: Course: Tutor: Date: Urie Bronfenbrenner is today credited and known in the psychology development field for the development of the ecological systems theory constructed to offer an explanation of the way everything in a child and their environment affects the whole child development. Bronfenbrenner ecological theory has levels or aspects of the environment containing roles, norms, and rules defining child development namely the microsystem, the mesosystem, the exosytem, the macrosystem and the chronosystem. The subsequent discussion offers an analysis of these levels and their influence to child development, and then offers a personal analysis of the influence of the ecological theory in decision making.
The fourth and last level of the system theory is the macrosystem forming the outermost layer of the child’s environment, and consisting of aspects such as cultural values, customs and laws (Slee 69). This level explains the importance of the broader social systems in child development because of the influence of the larger environment on other development layers. An example, showing the significance of this layer is that in a culture where the parent has the sole responsibility of taking care of the children, the society is less likely to put in place measures to assist parents in raising children such as daycare centers. Such a culture affects the way a parent is likely to functions and their inability or ability to fulfill the social obligations negatively or positively affects the child’s development. Bronfenbrenner added another level to these systems called the chronosystem that defines the importance of historical changes in development because of the ability of change to alter settings, contexts and affect individual characteristics (Belgrave & Allison 240). Elements involved in this stage include external changes such as a parent’s death or internal factors such as psychological changes occurring as the child ages. This level recognizes that as children become older, changing environments have an impact on them determining how the historical change affects child