Essay on Blog 4

Submitted By Becka-Olson
Words: 567
Pages: 3

Blog #4 Becka Brown
Who? - Who created the source? Who does the source give us information about? Which society does it provide insight for? Who are the actors in the story the source relates?
Jacques de Vitry created the source, Life of the Students at Paris. The source gives us information about different nations. It gives the comparison of places around the world and what the students of Paris said their stereotypes were. The source gives insight to many societies, more so Paris and what it is like there. But also, the English, France, Germans, Poitevins, Burgundians, Flemish, and Sicilians. The source also touches base with Christianity, theologians, and the Apostles. There are no actors in which the story relates to, just people groups.

Where & When? - Where did this source come from? What society? What part of the world? And when was it created? When did the events it discusses take place?
The source came from Jacques de Vitry during his schooling in France. The source comes from the French society, and also the Crusaders era. It was created around 1210 during his time in the University of Paris. Towards the end of the source Jacques mentions the Apostle James who was alive around 44 AD.

What? - What does the source actually say? This is your source summary - you should have 3-4 sentences (at minimum) where you relate the key points that were made in the source. Remember: I should be able to understand what the document actually says by reading your summary. This is not the place to discuss the source's significance. That comes later!
The source begins with talking about the students at Paris, and how they did nothing but learn or hear. It goes on with descriptions of the types of learning, for example, learning to quire fame, which is vanity. The source then goes on to tell about the differences between countries and the insults against one another. Jacques describes how the students at Paris saw the other countries. France being proud, Germans furious and obscene, etc. The source is mostly used to compare and contrast medieval universities from today.

Why? - This is, for historians,