+Exam 2 review: quiz questions and class review questions 1. The shoulder complex has four articulations contributing to the movement of the arm. True or False a. True, they are the sternoclavicular joint, acromioclavicular joint, scapulothoracic joint, and glenohumeral joint.
2. Which is not a shoulder complex joint?
(scapulothoracic, sternoclavicular, glenohumeral, radiohumeral) b. Radiohumeral
3. The sternoclavicular joint is reinforced by the ____________ c. interclavicular ligament, costoclavicular ligament, and the sternoclavicular ligament
4. The _________ ligament at the acromioclavicular joint assists scapular movements serving as an axis of rotation. d. Coracoclavicular
5. The Acromioclavicular joint and the Glenohumeral joint are gliding joints. True or False e. False
6. The joint that offers the greatest range of motion and movement potential of any joint of the body is: f. The Glenohumeral joint
7. The glenoid labrum deepens the glenohumeral cavity and is formed by: g. The Fibrocartilage
8. The Deltoid generates about the ____ % of the muscular force for elevation of the arm h. 50%
9. The carrying angle is formed in an extended position in the ulnohumeral joint. True or False i. True
10. The Radiohumeral joint surfaces are the __________ and the __________. j. Capitullum / top of the radial head
11. The Ligaments stabilizing the elbow complex are the ____________ and __________. k. Medial Collateral Ligaments and Lateral Collateral Ligaments
12. Which is not a wrist or finger joint?
(Radiocarpal joint, proximal radioulnar joint, interphalangeal joint, carpometacarpal joint) l. proximal radioulnar joint
13. The midcarpal joints contribute to the flexion by ________% and extension by ________% motion m. 60% and 30 %
14. Which is/are a condyloid joint/s?
(Midcarpal and intercarpal joints, Metacarpophalangeal joints (except the thumb), Carpometacarpal joints (except the thumb), Interphalanteal joints) n. Metacarpophalangeal joints (except the thumb)
15. Do the extrinsic muscles acting at the wrist joint originate outside or inside the hand? o. Outside
16. The pelvic girdle consist on a _________ union of three bones p. Fibrous
17. Females sacroiliac joint is _____ mobile than males. q. More
18. During sacral flexion the widest part of the sacrum moves________ r. Anteriorly
19. The hip joint articulates __________ and _____________. s. acetabulum / head of the femur
20. Which is not a hinge joint?
(Tibiotalar joint, Distal tibiofibular joint, midtarsal joint, subtalar joint) t. subtalar joint
21. What is the angle of inclination of the hip? u. The angle of inclination is the angle of the femoral neck with respect to the femur (epiphysis)
22. When the angle of anteversion is greater than 14º v. the femur is uncovered and a person must assume an internal rotation to keep the femoral head in the socket
23. The knee complex is formed by the w. tibiofibular joint, patellofemoral joint, and tibiofemoral joint
24. What bone is covered by the thickest cartilage found in any joint in the body? x. The patella.
25. The patella is connected to the tibial tuberosity via the y. patellar tendon
26. Q angle = 14º promotes the greatest efficiency of the quadriceps.
True or False z. False
27. Typically males Q angle are averaging {. 10-14º
28. The subtalar joint: |. consists of the articulation between talus and calcaneus }. primary function is the motion ~. is a triplanar motion joint producing: eversion/inversion, abd/add, and dorsiflexion/plantarflexion . all of them are correct
29. The medial arc of the foot: . plays a shock absorption
Biomechanics lec 3 Foundation of human movement Review of last lecture Stress-strain curve –bone is special material Elastic | yield point->plastic | failure Function of skeleton Leverag Support Protection Storage Blood cell formation Wolfs law Resorption Response to decreased stress Osteoclasts dominate Disuse, immobilization, microgravity Anisotropic properties Compression Tension Sheer Visoelastic properties Load |_ c(fracture)C(fracture) Deformation Apply stress…
Assessment 2 Student: Suely Ferreira. Student Number: S40044. Course Name: BSB30112 (Certificate III in Business). Subject/module: Effective Writing. PART A – Project ERGONOMIC INFORMATION HELP US SAVE YOUR BACK 1 - SIT STRAIGHT PREVENTS PAIN COAST. 2 - STRETCH BEFORE NO PAIN AFTER. 3 - SIT PROPERLY INCREASES YOUR PRODUCTIVITY. 4 - SIT PROPERLY REDUCES STRESS. PRINTER ROOM HELP US SAVE TREES !!! 1 – Print only Documents relating to the Office. 2 – Avoid paper waste. 3 – Keep the printer…
Student Number: 10820846 Performance Analysis Review of performance literature Our chosen sport was Basketball, before we started our analysis we reviewed the current performance analysis literature on basketball. The research we found was not all related specifically to turnovers which is what our analysis would be on, by looking at the research we found that. Research on data analysis system of a basketball game suggest That by having performance analysis of a team a coach will…
This essay will explore the value of massage in the overall management of an athlete with lateral knee pain, and a diagnosis of Ilio tibial band syndrome. It will explore the use of massage generally then focus on specific techniques used in myofascial pathologies. It will also describe the techniques employed, the clinical reasoning for their choice and the relevant supporting evidence. The relevant anatomy will be discussed as well as the proposed influences of massage on these structures using…
Karmin Extra Source Paper Scoliosis is a complex deformity or curvature of the spine and entire torso and has been recognized clinically for centuries (Asher, Marc A.). “For a few of the patients an underlying cause can be determined, including congenital changes, secondary changes related to neuropathic or myopathic conditions, or later in life from degenerative spondylosis. However, the cause of most scoliosis is not known and since about 1922 such patients have been diagnosed as having idiopathic…
describe pain in the arch and heel of the foot (1.) The pain and discomfort that one feels from this condition can have a big impact on the physical mobility of the person it is affecting. Contributing factors to plantar fasciitis include poor biomechanics, poor hygiene, overexertion, and improper footwear (3.) Symptoms that come with this injury are swelling, pain, tight calf muscles, and soreness. Two joints create the ankle, subtalar joint and the talocrural joint that creates the articulation…
extracoporeal shockwave therapy in the treatment of patellar tendinopathy: a systematic review Wei Guo wg575@nyu.edu Abstract: Background: Patellar tendinopathy is a common overuse condition.1 Although extracoporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT) is one of the common conservative treatments to this disease, there is still debate of the effectiveness and the optimal protocol. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to systematically review and summarize the effectiveness of extracoporeal shockwave therapy in the…
structural parts of the brain, according to gender (Zaidi, Gender Differences in Human Brain: A Review 2010) Their brains show anatomical, functional and biochemical differences in all stages of life. These differences begin early during development due to a combination of genetic and hormonal events and continue throughout the lifespan of an individual, (Zaidi, Gender Differences in Human Brain: A Review 2010), Also, an average male brain has approximately 4% more cells and 100 grams more brain tissue…
Individual Report The Running Company For: Mr Robert Errey Student: August 2011 Contents Executive Summary 3 Introduction 4 The Company 4 Service/Product 5 Personal Service 6 Experience 6 Customer Analysis 6 Comparison and Review 7 Footwear Selection 7 Try Before You Buy 8 Ongoing Database 8 Price 8 Place 9 Promotion 10 Conclusion 11 References 13 Executive Summary The Running Company is a boutique sports shoe company that is a differentiator in the athletic…