M & Kcontact Of Service For Dog Day Care

Submitted By miap40
Words: 917
Pages: 4

M&KContact of Service for Dog Day Care
You will be asked to read and sign this contract at the time of your dog’s acceptance into our daycare program. Upon signing this agreement you agree to the following terms of service.
I, ___________Shirley Williams___________________________(owner), hereby certify that my dog(s) ___________Charlie Willams_______Black (shitzu)_______________ is/are in good health and have not been ill with any communicable condition in the last 60 days. I further certify that my dog(s) have not harmed or shown any aggressive or threatening behavior towards any person or any other dog. M&K agrees to exercise due and reasonable care when handling of Charlie Williams(Dog). The above named dog will be cared for by M&K without liability on M&K behalf for loss or damage from disease, theft, fire, death, escape, injury, or harm to persons, other dogs, or property by said dog(s), or for other unavoidable causes.
1. I understand that I am solely responsible for any harm caused by Charlie while Charlie is/are in the care of M&K and release M&K from all liability arising from Charlie’s attendance and participation at the daycare.
2. I recognize that there are inherent risks of illness or injury when animals are allowed to be in close contact with one another. Such risks like sickness from canine cough.
3. I further understand and agree that in admitting Charlie to M&K, the staff at M&K have relied on my representation that my Charlie is/are in good health and have not harmed or show aggressive or threatening behavior towards any person or any other dog.
4. I understand that Charlie will be playing in open areas with other dog(s) and accept that when dogs play in groups, they will get dirty, and scratches may occur and I hereby release M&K of any liability.
5. I further understand and agree that any problems which develop with Charlie she will be treated as deemed by M&K and volunteers, at their sole discretion, and that I assume full financial responsibility for any and all expenses involved if I or M&K decides to seek medical treatment.
6. I accept that if Charlie causes any excessive damage to the facility that I could be asked to pay for repairs.
7. I understand that if Charlie is not spayed or neutered by 7-8 months of age, then participation with other dogs will not be available and Charlie will have to stay home.
8. I further understand that if Charlie shows any signs of aggression towards other dogs, that they will be under evaluation.
9. As a pet owner, I promise to keep Charlie up-to-date on all vaccines, including heartworms, rabies, and all other state required vaccines. It is required by M&K that you provide official updated records from a veterinarian before Charlie is allowed to attend daycare.
Furthermore, when Charlie’s vaccines are updated, a copy must be provided to M&K in order for our records to stay updated, otherwise M&K will assume that Charlie is not current on vaccines and will be asked not to attend daycare until vaccines are given.
The charge for the Charlie to attend day care is $260.00 for the whole week