Sigmund Freud Theory Essay

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Pages: 6

‘A’ Level Philosophy and Ethics Notes

Conscience - Freud
Sigmund Freud (1856 – 1939) Freud was an Austrian doctor who had a number of troubled middle class Viennese ladies. He had a private practice in Vienna, where he developed his theories about the development of the mind. He developed the term Psychoanalysis, and also coined many of his other technical terms. Some of these terms have become widely known, though sometimes their original meanings have become changed! He began to develop his ideas as he worked with hypnosis as a treatment for hysteria in Paris. His mentor (a French Physiologist called Jean Charcot) was convinced that the hysteria that he was treating was psychical in origins. Charcot believed that ideas and beliefs

St Augustine and St Paul are accused of establishing a climate of sexual repression through their teachings about sexuality:


St Paul writes at length about the correct setting for a sexual relationship – in particular he argues that marriage can be used as a safety valve for the sex-drive. St Augustine provides a clearer example of the way that guilt can lead to a puritanical view of sex.

St Augustine’s mother was a devout Christian. Augustine grew to resent her views, and as he grew he began to “experiment” with life. During his early years, he joined a sect (almost like joining a cult today). He travelled to Milan to study rhetoric, and took a lover (she later gave birth to a Son by him). However, he began to feel increasingly uncomfortable about his hedonistic lifestyle. He began to look for less physical answers to his feelings, and at a particularly low moment had a conversion experience. On his return to North Africa he was (forcibly) ordained Bishop of Hippo, and he began writing some of the most influential works in Christian literature.

Conscience - Freud

With reference to sexual intercourse, Augustine is quoted as saying “men should go to their task with reluctance”. Augustine also argued that the best relationship within a marriage was one of celibacy. His teachings affected Christian attitudes to sexuality.

This has led to a repression of sexuality