This report provides the overview of the Taxi Services Commissions (TSC) and its expectations from the drivers who are running taxi-cabs and Wheel Chair accessible taxis. The main purpose of the report is to provide the overview to the team under me to perform their duties effectively.
The TSC is tasked with regulating the industry and implementing the government endorsed reform recommendations. The reforms will create a more flexible and responsive industry that delivers a better deal for customers.
To understand fully about the Taxi Services Commissions and its objectives
To understand what is required from you as taxi drivers and how to meet those requirements
The TSC has been tasked with regulating the taxi and hire car industry and implementing the government-endorsed reform package.
The objectives of the TSC are to increase public confidence in the safety of the taxi and hire car industry and to pursue and promote major and enduring improvements in: the provision and accessibility of services offered by the industry competition in the industry innovation in the industry, including in the business structures, service delivery models and policies and procedures in the industry the safety of passengers and drivers of commercial passenger vehicles.
The TSC seeks to enhance our position as a values-based organisation: how our people conduct themselves is as important as what we do. The TSC’s values incorporate public sector values, reflect the values of DTPLI and highlight the commitment to professionalism maintained by our people.
The TSC’s values are:
Connectedness and open communication: being honest, open and transparent in our dealings; keeping people informed about things that matter.
Respect, openness and courage: treating people fairly and without bias; the agility and resilience to change and adapt in our dynamic environment.
Collaboration and cooperative relationships: assisting people willingly when they ask for help; thinking and behaving as one team showing respect for each other’s point of view.
Behaving ethically: acknowledging people’s contributions; handling sensitive information with the utmost care; respecting everybody for the contributions they make; avoiding any real or apparent conflicts of interest.
Enablement and inclusiveness: treating people fairly and ensuring that all people are listened to; clear accountabilities and the appropriate authority to act.
As 2013/14 is the TSC’s first year of operation as an entity independent from DTPLI, targets for environmental performance have not been set for the TSC for 2013/14. Using actual performance as a baseline, targets will be set for 2014/15 onwards. However following actions are undertaken to reduce the environmental impact:
1. Energy:
Ensuring any new office fit-outs are energy efficient.
Running awareness campaigns and distributing bulletins to encourage employees to turn off their PCs after hours.
2. Waste:
Waste audit: Independent waste audit (including contamination audit), undertaken to identify further opportunities to reduce waste to landfill and promote recycling.
Bulletins: Waste awareness bulletins distributed to all employees.
3. Paper
Printer settings: Printer default settings to print double-sided where printers have the capability
Taxi industry provide two types of services:
Taxi cabs
Wheel chair accessible taxis for senior citizens and disabled.
A taxi driver is required to provide reasonable assistance with a customer's luggage. This includes assistance with getting luggage into and out of the cab, taking reasonable care while in the taxi, and immediately reporting any found items to
Related Documents: Analysis Of The Taxi Services Commissions
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